Bobo Chimpan

So, was that really the bomber, the guy who killed the FBI agent, guy whose truck was parked at the Parallax Corporation, talking to Dar? 'Cause I can buy Dar doing all kinds of dirty tricks against Carrie or Saul or even the truth… but would the show really have him behind a false flag bombing attempt!? Really seems

I thought he blocked you?

Steve Bannon is certainly not an outlier here

Dar's mustache isn't quite long enough for him to twirl, but I kept expecting him to all the same

Yes, apparently Quinn was


McIver's talent certainly doesn't hurt (heh!), though Liv isn't the only one put through the wringer, especially in the second season. I think it's something in the writing… maybe how they manage to balance the darkness and the screw-tightening with moments of humor and even whimsy. The tonal balance on that show is

That fucking show… it piles on the misery, abuses its characters and audience… but somehow makes the pain fun. I'd say Certain Other Shows could learn from that, except I have no idea how they pull it off…

You know the saying?

I agree. This one was better than the previous two. The reviewer spent too much time on criticism, not enough on analysis. She's a newbie, so we should cut her some slack, even if it seems like she's trying to make us feel dumb.

awwwwww crap, I didn't want to add another show. I was SPECIFICALLY trying to avoid The Expanse. You guyyyyyyyyyz!

I agree. I was surprised to see it get a worse grade than the last two, though that might be new reviewer scale. The setup didn't make much sense (Roan's reversal, just as quickly unreversed… this guy's like Duke Orsino!) but the logic of it all held together. And the destruction of the Ark felt like cutting off plot

If I may indulge my inner misogynist for just a mo': I find Octavia more attractive than Raven, probably due to the reasons you state, compared to O's sexy sexy battle gear. But pictures of Marie vs. Lindsey? Linz by several country miles.

Oh man… that parallel had not occurred to me. Let's just hope nobody suggests harvesting Luna's marrow

Yeah, I was just thinking that we probably won't be seeing her on iZombie much any more. Then I felt really really really bad for Clive. GOD that was a downer!

you're not concerned about their ethics, are you? we might have to have… words if you're concerned about their ethics

bye troll!

Well, his previous experience WAS leaning on informants to entrap muslim teenagers, so his investigating skills may have atrophied some.

True, in future seasons they should make it more realistic by focusing on the real terrorist threat to Americans— domestic white supremacist groups

ditto. As soon as he got in the car I braced myself