Bobo Chimpan

Super abrupt. And the reviewer didn't mention his chemistry with Bobbi. Bobbi and Mack together works so well… I think it's the height similarity. I have hopes that his leaving is preparing for the spinoff.

Yeah, those vials looked mostly empty to me…

Yeah, that seemed almost a calculated insult. My issue with that scene was Gonzales just sitting there waiting for her to finish her increasingly ominous and threatening monologue. "Here's a crystal that will probably kill you…" and he doesn't even try to stand up.

More Nedd Stark than Cersei

Rickon's fine! Osha just took him off to a nice farm where there is plenty of room for him to run around and smash walnuts and play with other children his age. We'll definitely see him again, and he'll no question still be played by the same actor

I dunno… funny as this episode was, it was the first one this season that didn't have a definite sense of tightening the screws. Every episode up 'til this one was just gathering clouds of doom, with everything they did to try to get themselves out of their mess just making things worse. This week really backed off

And the fact that the kid is so very clearly aware of it and despises his father for the insultingly transparent lie… all Russ is disrupting is his son's mental health.

That's basically how the Wars of the Roses ended… part of me suspects that Rickon will reappear to marry Myrcella to finish it all off.

Syrio WAS the first to put forward the theory that the only god was death… and the Faceless Men only kill their intended targets. He could have let Meryn go because he wasn't the one marked for death.

The Faith Militant strikes me as the genie out of the bottle, the toothpaste squeezed from the tube, the bolted horse. Cersei has no idea what she's unleashed, blinded by its usefulness to her personal vendetta.

That scene isn't in the books. Ser Barristan is alive and well and continuing to kick MAJOR ass at the end of what GRRM has written so far. This is where Benioff & Wiess' promise/threat to kill characters who haven't died in the books bears its bitter fruit…

I actually cried out "YES! BARRISTAN THE BOLD!" when he pulled out his sword and ran in the direction everyone else was running from.

It's her only redeeming quality. That and her cheekbones.

How does Jon have king's blood in his veins? Have you fallen prey to weird fan theories on the internet?


"Kissed by fire"

Curse of Fenric! That's the one everyone was telling me was so great

If Mark really is dead (unlikely) there's only one (that we've met) left

pointed out above as a Maslany ad-lib… as if we could love her more

The quote that came to mind: "You have to walk away from the past in slow motion as it explodes behind you like in a John Woo movie."