Bobo Chimpan

I was thinking more the go-for-broke interpretation… the other interpretation is also a possibility, of course… I'm just reserving judgment until next week. An offscreen death after three full seasons seems a poor farewell for poor Martha

and taketh away again, then giveth, then creates a duplicate account and randomly switches back and forth between them, then makes the comments invisible for two full months, then…


Lowell mentioned that he could tell Liv was a zombie due to her carefully trimmed nails, or something like that… which doesn't make too much sense as a zombie signifier, unless their nails grow in looking gnarly.

I def. thought the body bag would contain somebody we knew. Major possibly, or else the vanished energy drink exec. It just arrived at such a "here's a plot twist to interrupt the budding romance!" moment. Then… nothing.

"I ruined your life, Murdock. And nowhere they can put me, no punishment… is ever going to take that away. And there is no punishment for me… not anymore. Not since I fixed myself. I'm the king of Ryker's Island. The other prisoners love me. The guards do whatever I tell them to. […] And someday, when I tire of my

The "Oh, of course…" was part of the enjoyment, yes

I read the first sentence of this post and already liked it… then I noticed who wrote it and liked it even more.

Plus he's a celebrity, a rock star with plenty of money. Exactly the kind of client Blaine has been… courting?

Was it the Utopium, or was it whatever Blaine (either accidentally or intentionally) cut it with? And yeah, I was totally expecting another twist out of this episode (the identity of who was in that body bag, e.g— did anybody else expect it to be Major?), to the extent that I was shocked when the title card popped up

He got Matt out of prison, but then he destroyed Matt's marriage

Either of those points was suspicious and telegraphing… to me it became obvious obvious during the scene when they lost contact with all the soldiers

Yeahhhh… I really want to know what Fitz does with the hand dryer AND I really hope I never find out

For a split second, I misunderstood Fitz asking Coulson to teach him how to "shake a tail." Now I want a comic montage of Hunter and Coulson trying to teach Fitz to dance and I want it NOW!

Coulson as Dumbledore, let EJO have SHIELD

"Looove is not admissible evideeeeeence!"

Yeah, how do you all remember all that stuff that happened during the gas leak? That entire year is like a dream about other TV shows for me

I love the Brubaker/Fraction run of Iron Fist better than any Daredevil I've ever read. An issue of "Power Man and Iron Fist" I bought as a lil squirt was my introduction to 'street level' superheroes. I'm SO psyched for Iron Fist that I'm a little worried…

I think Brubaker deserves his share of the credit/blame there, but he does that to -any- character he writes, so…

UK is faster to type than Great Britain, is the distinction I was using.