
Yeah, I wonder how many of the jabronis who comment have ever been in a competition halfpipe. They’re basically ice, the walls are vertical and about 18’ high. I’ve snowboarded since ‘91 and those things scare the hell out of me. Also, there’s a reason ski areas don’t build the damn things, they’re death traps.

Yes. German Madrazo. However here are some key differences:

Kudos to the commentator in that video for being, um, charitable. Funny aside, and maybe she doesn’t belong here, but then there was Eddy the Eagle and the Jamaican Bobsled Team in the 1988 Winter Olympics too.

I don’t know if this applies to freestyle, but (per wiki) the IOC adapted the “Eddie the Eagle” rule after the former British ski jumper.

She french fries the entire way down. I watched three times just to be sure. Doesn’t pizza even once. This woman should be on a stamp.


Yo, what are you talking about? She makes it all the way up to the blue line five out of six times, doesn’t fall down, SKIS BACKWARDS, and doesn’t degrade herself or her country with showboating theatrics. Just good, clean skiing. Give this woman the Gold medal for efficiency and self respect.

I’d like to see you try and qualify for Women’s Freestyle Skiing, Patrick.

McKayla Maroney has already filed suit (in December) against USAG and USOC for covering up the sexual abuse. Michigan State is also charged in the suit, but not for cover up.

My dad is pretty much glued to CNN and cable news all day and when I talked to him about it yesterday (after reading about it mostly on DS) he only had a cursory knowledge of the situation. When I told him everything his response was, “how is this not on the top of every single news channel?” It’s shocking how little

Same here. ESPN talked about how Joel Embiid will NOT be pursuing Rihanna now that he’s an All-Star, but no mention of this. If you go look on their website now, it’s a full 4 stories ahead of this. Gotta get those clicks I guess...

seconding this notion. my sister in law was a national level gymnast into college, and my wife follows the sport pretty closely. she was genuinely stunned when i asked her reaction to these stories — she hadn’t seen them or heard anything about them.

I’m pretty sure the judge is only empowered to (figuratively) tear Larry to pieces, but yeah. Hopefully his sentencing will be followed up with huge civil lawsuits -- and criminal charges, where appropriate -- against all of the enablers.

Never underestimate the lengths and depths people will go simply to cover their own ass.

I feel like it’s the latter. It seems like with any kind of concern of this type (see also: Baylor), it’s easier to just (ab)use your power and try to sweep it out of sight than try to take on a possible national shitstorm. It’s hard to get fans buying into the fanciful NBC montages if people knew, and now know, that

 someone who I broadly disagreed with on another article made one very fine point: often the assholes who take the time to learn to groom and manipulate children do the same to adults. I suspect that was at play.

Good for Aly for having the courage do to this!!

I just want to thank Deadspin and Jezebel for giving this the frontline attention it needs and deserves. Other outlets are giving it so little attention relative to its importance it is very disheartening.  I listen to the radio in the morning on the way to work and you would have little idea this was happening if