Roberto G.

Sorry if we happen to be a little proud of our automotive technology... sure I am dumb, but I'm not able to rimember Juan Manuel Fangio winning any Grand Prix, on a Chrysler formula 1 car! You go back in your corner, and come out when I tell you...

Didn't understand this "grandpa" thing, but whatever... it must be the generational gap. Being of your generation sucks, though.

I'm so really sorry, but my mom always told me to never buy a car that was bascially converted to electric power, because those bascially converted cars could get me electrocuted.

All boxy cars look the same, from the side...

Good light pole, good boy! I hope they'll set soon your wires cover box!

You are an idot. Everyone knows that, your mama included. And your dad despises you.

Yes, because NASCAR fans are so classy...

What's that about? The Nikkey index? If so, it's not funny.

Here in 'Urope, no insurance asks for your car's VIN. Model and year are more than enough.

Yep. Wife is the one on the left.

YOU know it's a kitty toy.

What's that dangling thing supposed to be?

A pity that cars run on roads. They could have said "Find New Bicycle Lanes", but then it wouldn't have been much automotive related. Indeed advertising is a though job.

Like saying that two women are same, because they both have two legs and a vagina.

The More You Know:

Some say that Benjamin's mother was scared shitless by a Toyota Camry, when she was pregnant with him.