Roberto G.
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The Alfa Romeo 164LS 3 liter V6 24v engine is one of the best ever. Hear me and buy this beauty! The farts can be set and the given parts will make it perfect. That's still is a car who could have been released yesterday. And still one of the most performing 4D sedans.

Happy B-Day Travis! ...and don't worry: it only hurts the first times, theen you'll like it!

Actually this time you're right, and I'm so ashamed of the clumsiness of this retarded compatriot of mine. One thing is safe, since I know how these things goes: whoever wrote that horrible statement, tomorrow morning will be doing something else, because I'm sure that some phones are already ringing.

I HATE digital wrist watches.

You have not seen the Ferrari hate yet!

The Fiat 127 sure is one of the greatest, if not the greatest of all. Its enormous success paved the road to all the other European makers.

Otto, please check:

What the heck? What for all these critics that it's ugly looking? Apart that ugly is in the eyes of the American beholder, who just got one of their most historical car brands stolen by a lazy gang of pizzaioli, you don't need to take it to Villa d'Este Concours d'Elegance, for God's sake! It's a workhorse, not a

Ok. That was for Canada. Who knows what might happen in the remaining 203 States?

I always thought that it was the chicken, to cross the road...

Then we are two. And my ashtray is always clean, ant there's no smell in my car because I always keep my window partially open, even in wintertime.

Except perhaps wanting to fap in front of a McDonald...

It's written in every user manual, not to park a car over dry leaves because the overheated catalytic converter could start a fire... May be that owner had his last update 30 years ago.

Oh, I see! I thought it was something related to the type of image, like an ani gif or something similar... FYI the GIMP image is shown as a preview, but is not opened in the image viewer.

WTF is this? Kinja image viever doesn't open it, and saved as JPG is nothing excellent. Care to explain to a poor peòn what wonderfully wonderful wonder should it be?

I'm sure he knows what he's doing.

UPDATED: FEB. 07, 2013