Roberto G.

The "Texas Chainsaw" franchising published their 30th remake of the epic movie? Wow!

"fairly offensive stereotypes"? ...really, you don't have anything more clever to think?

Why? No one is shouting about a missing NSFW warning? Really, the world must be ending today...

Go on like this, and you'll never be invited at the Hunt mansion parties.

Because it's not much loved here... not that Ferrari weep for that. Actually the Ferrari factory in Maranello is often mentioned for being one of the most pleasant workplaces in the world, for both the line workers and the employees. It's a fact.

I still wonder how Dyson succeeded in not being bankrupt yet, just considering how expensive their products are, the fact that no one I know buys them and that the shelves are full of practical and economic chinese made vacuums...

There. Sorry, Streetside. But you can still invent the self-fitting condom, though.

In Italy nearly all drive-in car washes have the floor jets to wash the car's underbody (+€1.00). Also available for trucks. And believe it or not, we've almost invented the hot water as well!

That's why UK is NOT a full member of the EU. Luckily for us, I'd add.

No. You can't. I live in Europe, and I know.

Different too. The British is almost square, while that is rectangular American dimensions.

This is an UK front plate and if that RAM is British, I am Pippa Middleton.

A 501 Torpedo, like the one that my uncle restored. Same color as well!

Gal changing a tire on a Fiat 501.

The 1460 cc., 23 CV at 2600 rpm engine of the 1922 FIAT 501 Torpedo, that my uncle Beppino restored when I was 14 years old... I still remember that when idling, you could hear each single piston firing, one after the other: "blam-blam..blam-blam". These are the memories that last for a lifetime, and help in making

I came to see another blip too. Is here any lawyer who can tell me if I can sue for harassment?

Merry Christmas.

Engagement pictures with longhorns in the background? Not a good omen, if you ask me.

Oh. God.