Roberto G.

Then would you mind explaining?

And you do not know how expensive is a studio apartment!

Dat fins...

And before that, our family car was a Ford Consul 315 Classic. Only unusual cars, in our garage...

May be with a better looking hood... this because my family owned a Capri just like this in the picture, and I always loved its smooth, looong hood. That, I cannot stand.


Nuthin' new under the sun: "put out or get out" was very popular, when I was young.

The sign I hope to see someday...

I'm waiting for the day an UK based and owned car company will market a car as successful as the last Fiat Panda. I'm longing to see if the orangutan will smash it as well.

A human being with nuts. I understand you may experience some difficulties in fully catching this concept.

My two cents. You shouldn't worry: VictoriousS is a notorious flamer here, and since longtime. For what is worth, I agree with you.

Truthfully, I'm not excited at all from learning how they spend their money.

Mine, undoubtely.

Didn't knew that Queen Victoria actually was a Drag Queen and that good ol' Homer was a Rabbi. You never stop learning.

Probably they sold 5 Dinos in Italy, and 3 of them by mistake. No true, red blooded Italian would ever have risked to be caught while driving "the poor man's Ferrari". We do have some dignity, for Enzo's sake!

Having to push a button under the dash to honk, it's totally absurd. And dangerous too.

"Tire Angle Indicator"??? Because looking out of the windscreen, I'm not able to see how much I'm turning?? And looking at my steering wheel I'm not able to tell if my front wheels are straight?? That looks quite a bullshit, to me... oh, now I understand: you look at that instead than watching the road, and when the