
While I agree that rape and sex are fundamentally different, the whole “rape is always about power and control, and never about sexual desire” thing that has been accepted as a truism really goes too far.

You’re spot on on both points. I’m ashamed of my gender as is for the shitty things we do, but to say that we, grown men, can’t control ourselves is just wrong. Not to go #notallmen, but of course most of use are capable of not raping. So Spike thinks that a) it’s a woman’s responsibility to not get raped (wrong) and

LOL - yes. Everything is our responsibility you know.

The presumption here seems to be that women should withhold sex from men in order to stop being harassed and assaulted. So, once again, it’s up to women to not get raped? #fuckthatnoise

This kind of thinking perpetuates the myth that rape is an act formed from sexual desire, when it actually stems from power and control.

These people...they aren’t that bright.

It’s definitely an interesting position to take, but I find it a little weird because it isn’t like people can’t go find what she looks like. If she had started out with this then hey, more power to you. Doing it retroactively just feels strange. But hey, whatever makes her happy.

I know this has been going around a lot today/yesterday, but I have to say it here. The fact that people who are pro-“life” can rejoice in the senseless murder of three people is so idiotic.

These assholes?

I broke my “never read the comments” mantra on a Facebook newspost about the mass shooting. People were fucking celebrating, saying that it was a job well done, and that those people deserved it. And that it’s somehow Barack Obama’s fault and this guy looks like a typical liberal. Yeah, I went a little heavy on the

Ferreals. Glad this post didn’t give voice to the assholes saying this was a good event because it happened at a PP. They have their own news story post.…

This is a piece Sia wrote herself on the topic of hiding her face. I know some people think you choose to be criticized as a public figure when you make music or make it big. I personally like that Sia chooses to hide her face and focus on her music. That way people can like or


Prince renamed himself because the record company owned the copyright for music HE wrote. It was an act of protest for getting screwed by the record company.

This is Terrorism and I would not be surprised if this garbage was born in the USA.

Well, there are ALWAYS like one or two hipster who try and make gray hair a thing - yet not until all the daytime talk shoes adopt it is it really....

My grey isn’t coming in all sexy and silver, it’s salt and pepper all over the top of my head. I tried to let it go, but I just felt old and tired whenever I looked in the mirror. Back to bottled brown/violet for me!

it totally is. I put some grey in my hair over the summer and it was awesome.