Bob Morocco

Bobbie challenged Phil's management style in Puerto Rico. Although with considerably more tact.

I thought Yeezus followed in the footsteps of Death Grips.

I agree with the first part, being largely based on cultural impact, and disagree on the second.

That's the conceit of RTJ.

I believe that this is also a factual misstatement of what the show believes.

No, that's the CIA drone program.

What was she doing at Hydra? Working on Inhuman/Kree tech that Hydra was trying to make into a WMD. Maybe that and being infected by an alien EMP virus and the death of her crush caused her to be risk adverse.

The Inhumans will show up, possibly multiple times, in the movies before their movie.

Why can't they make it a super poignant She-Hulk case of the week?!?


Hollywood corporate hierarchy: Movie > TV. Also, like Shield, ABC essentially owns this show. All streaming and foreign distribution rights go to their corporate bottomline.

He's been known to lie. Shield did the same thing by sending empty rockets into the sun while storing everything in the fridge.

Actually one would expect a show with more episodes to have better production design because the costs of reused sets and props can be amortized over the additional episodes.

I think the plan was for her to put a bullet in Dooley's head to cover the Dr.'s escape after stealing item 17.

Maria Hill was in The Winter Soldier as well.

If it turns into Arrow where 3 guys let Oliver draw and release 3 times in a row before one fires a shot it will get old quick.

Having everything work perfectly is lazy writing. People screw up, all the time. For fucks sake look at the title of the episode. Look at the F-35 program. Part of the thrill of Breaking Bad was seeing people make on the fly, human decisions and have to work around the challenges those created.

Universal appeal = closed minded male perspective???

It seems like a deliberate choice. There was a scene in the first or second episode with Dr. Vanko's lab that looked like a very obvious but very appealing period set.