
I have personally bought and frozen beyond burgers and beyond sausages, and cooked them and they were just fine. Not for very long, probably about a week. But they weren’t frozen when i bought them. 

thats already a fight the beef lobby is starting. they are trying to prevent these plant based burgers from being called “burgers.” same with the dairy industry trying prevent almond milk from being called milk. 

Always love to see someone embody the very thing they claim to despise. 

I have the Polar Vantage M and i love the recovery tracking feature. It’s definitely something people tend to neglect and forget how sleep functions in supporting it. Bad sleep and bad recovery can slide into over training and CNS burnout. Great to have a reminder. Garmin is trying to do the same thing with its body

I have major frustrations with their dead zones, and there are many outside of major metropolitan areas. I’m lucky I got in on their 1 free year with BYOD because I cam from AT&T with a Samsung Note 8. Supposedly the new roll out of 5G will be great but that means nothing to anyone with an older phone. It’s great to

Sprint has one too. I got one installed at my house. 

They all seem a little Advanced to me. 

I was a stand in for Brooks for a commercial he shot once. He was nice to every single person on set but me. 

Ah yes, the conservative equivalent of hawking elderberry infused jade vaginal eggs. 

Yeah I think that’s also why fast food places are coming around to the impossible burgers and beyond meat patties. less risk of spoilage and food poisoning. longer shelf life and easier to store. don’t have to worry about “always fresh, never frozen” beef. 

Odd, i think the place by me used to cook them how ever you wanted them. Oddly enough this is the first year the place by me is not participating. However they are now carrying the impossible burger patties .

The idea of blending vegetables or mushrooms with beef for burgers is interesting. James Beard has been hosting a contest for the past 5 years to try to get restaurants to start doing this. I’ve had a few of the burgers and you could not tell it was blended with mushrooms.

my mother uses this to talk to my niece and loves it. the camera follows my niece around who is a very active 2 yr old so it’s perfect.

Is this your first time with the skincare industry?

This is such an insane quote from him considering the military’s history of experimenting on its own with drugs. 


How is it a diversion if it’s accurately describing the level of markup?

that’s not the point of that post but thanks.