Why not just use your crockpot like a sous vide? You won’t get the taste.
Why not just use your crockpot like a sous vide? You won’t get the taste.
I played a team out of Reno that was all Samoans. They were beastly on the field. But they were Mormon so not so much fun to drink with. Good blokes though.
My wife and I had to do Pre-Cana and “God’s Plan” classes in order to get married at a catholic church and they pushed this app hard. Even when my wife told them she has to take birth control pills because of ovarian cysts they were like “Oh we have a product that helps with cysts and isn’t a contraceptive” and she…
This is great. Or it would have been, for me, if you had written it 2.5 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Evangelicals used to believe in a woman’s right to choose. They even had textual evidence for it in the old testament. Then they made a pact with the northern catholics when they formed the moral majority and agreed to support their view of life at inception. http://billmoyers.com/2014/07/17/when-southern-baptists-were…
Vampire Masquerades is legit.
Vampire Masquerades is legit.
I’ve described it as “The Room” of Aronofsky films. People were laughing in the theater at how absurd it was when I saw it.
I have that baker’s rack and it is an absolute godsend for tiny kitchens. It doubled my countertop space for cooking.
I have that baker’s rack and it is an absolute godsend for tiny kitchens. It doubled my countertop space for…
This is one of my favorite videos VICELAND did covering white supremacists. It just touched on how awful, awkward, warped, and down right confusing this ideology can be.
It’s sort of keeping within the Whedonverse that someone we thought was great was pretty much not (except Buffy, she is always great).
I thought the difference was one used Splenda and the other one didn’t. But I have absolutely no reason to care either way. Seltzer FTW!
That’s so weird. It’s almost like comedy is subjective.
Wasn’t aware that only athletes tore tendons.
Fred perry shirts. Then look, all of a sudden they decide they want to wear doc martens. And then look, they keep their beards, but shave their heads. Same BS, different time.
What entitled cluelessness did Amelia Earhart have?
Wow, it’s almost like people,as a whole, have different and varied interests.
I’d really love a constitution literacy bill that requires all governors to brush up.
I love Savannah Guthrie. She’s great. I don’t know what it is, I just like her.
My fiancee’ is an assistance prosecutor and watches MVRs almost every day. She could not believe there was no conviction on this.
She’s basically talking about Amy Schumer, right?