
It’s fake because she hits it with a tennis racquet.

There’s a whole exhibit on this at the Holocaust museum in DC.

I actually took The Bible as a History in college, and the people it pissed off most were devout Christians because we talked about what was accurate and inaccurate. Every class the professor had to remind them that this was not a theological class, but those students couldn’t do it.

The problem is that they claim it’s “only because Amy Schumer isn’t funny” but they has never been a concerted effort to attack any other comedian like that this they didn’t think was funny. Certainly not against a male comedian, at least.

If I do this on a squatty potty, will I lose my soul?

Now playing

Dr Suart McGill is a professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo and is considered one of the foremost experts in the core as it relates to spine health. Everything you said is spot on according to what he says. He also has 4 simple movements that he believes will help your core to keep your spine

I for one look forward to living on Amazon Prime.

It’s a strawman argument. It’s not “personal responsibility” making these people not able to afford healthcare. It’s insurers creating shitty plans that offer no coverage because there’s nothing forcing them to offer coverage in the first place.

*unless their choices are causing undo health problems ie. diabetes, knee and back problems, etc.

Well this statement sure has made one thing clear: someone’s parents have indeed failed here.

Yeah, if you don’t want your car to get stolen, don’t own one!

If you only have 1 or 2 deadpixels, what has worked for me is using the eraser end of a pencil to gently massage the area around the dead pixel until it goes away. But massage very gently. Just press hard enough so you see the color distort a little.

Dreamcast has a weird history though because it had it’s own cult following long after it went away. I remember going to dreamcast parties with my friends, where everyone just played fighters all day.

Id love a setting where you needed both to get into a phone.

I stand corrected. So then spacing out low dosage a few times a week should be fine then. It is interesting that melatonin is a supplement in the US but a prescription drug in other countries due to it being a hormone. Same with DHEA.

For me I do 0.5mg 90 minutes before sleep, and i wear a sleeping mask. we have blackout curtains as well.

Source? Anything not anecdotal? I’ve found no evidence that taking it in the appropriate manner results in a tolerance build up. That’s 0.3 mg approximately 90-60 minutes before sleep.

Most every uber driver i speak to near mass transit (airport, train stations) is either renting or leasing a car through Uber and far too much of their fare goes toward those costs. It’s a trick. The only uber drivers i know who don’t have it tough are people with their own day jobs who do it part time with their own