
I felt bad until I saw he was putting out his own t-shirt. So, when you try to capitalize on this kind of stuff, it opens you up to this level of scrutiny. But I agree the meme-ification of just about anything fosters this kind of culture.

There are other VR platforms that don’t support alt-right trolling and should Occulus dissolve, those developers will go to those other companies. Care/10

This has been debunked over and over again. Please Trump harder than this.

Lo do I see my fathers before me....

What if you wash your clothes by showering with them on? Asking for a friend.

Yes and our opinion is he sucks and we are entitled to bitch about it.


Dammit! I have a wedding thursday, but will be there friday and saturday.

lol can’t believe humans thought like this in 2016. beep boop.

Frisky Dingo. Although it wasn’t so much canceled as everyone working on it quit and went and did other stuff.

Yeah, and if you don’t want to get murdered, don’t be alive.

funny thing about knowing something is it requires you to read and then learn something. if someone read that, they would learn about browsing the dark web and thus, by process of learning, know something about computers.

you gotta know something about computer to access dark web sites. gimme a break.

except that is to to pay out a settlement we have with them. so....

We can’t wire them money because the US sanctions we have on Iran prohibits our banks from working with them. But you know, facts are tricky.

They also did that in Batman: The Dark Knight.

They probably don’t because the interests behind these leaks seems to not have a vested interest in besmirching them. Well, further than having a candidate like Trump being their presidential nominee does.

It’s different when it’s exposing war crimes vs just election wheeling and dealing for one specific political party. if they dumped emails for the republicans it would at least not have a clear political motive.