
like manslaughter vs murder

No, they wouldn’t be ok with it, but in the context of their religion they wouldn’t be going to hell because of it.

There’s religious exceptions for that. If the person unknowingly digests forbidden meat, it’s forgivable.

I think it just goes to show they producers don’t always get the story which is why so much gets lost in their translation and how they decide to interpret things.

You had all day and yet you posted not even one example.

For Ramsey his doom was already foretold by his father, right? Roose says “if you act like a wild dog, you get put down” and then Ramsey goes and acts like a wild dog. It’s basically the final straw, since he doesn’t have that check on his antics anymore.

Brutal, looks like his head rebounded off the rope and slammed into the edge of the mat. just miss timed the slide i think, or slipped. Hope he heals up fast.

This. Loved the doomsday fight, liked the movie as a whole. I know I’m in the minority but it was worth seeing and everyone i’ve told to see it has liked it.

Because these women still don’t deserve what is happening to them, no matter what you feel about pornography.

because puritanism is inherently misogynistic. you put the burden of purity on the woman and you take away her agency. it becomes her responsibility to cover up, other wise men might sexually assault her. this is life in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

So porn stars aren’t women? Not sure the point you’re trying to make here.

Hey you whores! Stop being in the videos i jerk off too!

i have to disagree, those are very cool.

i have to disagree, those are very cool.

Stardust was hot garbage. Real talk.

Well how else are you going to sexualize a female villain?

Can’t hack the Hawk.

Maybe he wants us dead. Maybe he’s just curious. Maybe it’s Maybelline.

I love this nonsensical talking point. “I don’t hate gays or transpeople, but i don’t ever want to see them in any medium I enjoy.”

i’d love to hear gandalf ask if he could haz cheezburgr.