
Yeah, but where's the chart for who's a good boy?

you could also take melatonin to help get you on the right circadian rhythm.

Who really knows women best: Rand, Matt, or Perrin?

Carrier online.

I think we're short changing Mr. Watt here. The selfie celebration is, in and of itself, an indictment of mankind's inability to take itself seriously and be more focused. Should not all people spend less time taking selfies and focus on living life, enjoying the moment at hand, and not trying to take pictures to

Oh how fancy, Jack Daniels. You think you're too good for Evan Williams?!

The only thing I've seen that seems to have some studies behind it are the use of N-Back memory training programs. Basically you N is variable for how far back in a series of images you are supposed to recall. So if you set N=2, you are supposed to recall if the image you see in a series was the same you saw 2 images

The only thing I've seen that seems to have some studies behind it are the use of N-Back memory training programs. Basically you N is variable for how far back in a series of images you are supposed to recall. So if you set N=2, you are supposed to recall if the image you see in a series was the same you saw 2 images

Reminds me a little of screamers, the idea of machines just repairing each other mindlessly to kill.

Now playing

Pretty exciting play, though it hardly looks anything like this

The only problem with Stephen Hawking's time traveler party is it presupposes that if time travelers exists they would A) want to be discovered and B) think Stephen Hawking will be a cool enough figure for them to plan a trip for this obvious ploy. While I think Stephen Hawking is cool, do I think he's the coolest

Artificial sweeteners also still effect your insulin. I'd like to see an article about what natural sweetener alternatives do to your body, if they do anything. Splenda and Monkfruit extract come to mind. Splenda seems to have many positive effects, despite possibly being neurotoxic. But supposedly it has to be

Big time. I got one of the cheaper versions from a sale from Macy's, and it's been able to do everything we've wanted. The single cup blender attachments work perfect as well.

Big time. I got one of the cheaper versions from a sale from Macy's, and it's been able to do everything we've

Cardinals sucks, Ferguson cops suck, Krypton sucks .

Being in NJ, MicroCenter is only good because I can pick up some parts locally, and the sales tax is half what it is normally (3.5%) as it's in an "Urban Enterprise Zone." So sometimes items are cheaper when you factor in shipping from other places, AND you can pick them up. NewEgg has a warehouse in NJ, so now I have

Looks like Mount Doom.