
Nokia MiXRadio was awesome on my Lumia 1020, but now that Windows is spinning it off into it's own company, I'm not so sure. I like that it's like Pandora, except that it also takes into account the music that's on your phone when it comes to showing you new artists.

Unless you have digestive issues with FODMAPs, most people can eat whole wheat products just fine.

I've only experimented with a few nootropics, but the effects I noticed were subtle and took a while to build up. I've experimented with taking caffeine and theanine, which i didn't notice a difference, a CILTEP like stack, which I noticed a better ability to recall things from memory after a month, and noopept, which

They weren't always like that. In the beginning you could give people positive, neutral, or negative. Now I think you can only give positive or neutral. But the removal of negative ratings is a fairly recent thing, and I think it was a bad idea.

Checked to see if Dune made the list. Left satisfied.

I could see Occulus Rift being used in a Rigger like aspect, ala Shadowrun.


An advantage, by definition, is always unfair. You don't pick your parents. She got lucky, that happens.

Oh we are! Except for Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Soccer.

Actually we weren't taught that at all. It's more of that we basically ended most pretenses of neutrality when we kept smuggling munitions and arms on passenger ships that were being targeted by German U-Boats. After the Lusitania, Wilson was pressured into going to war by warhawks like Teddy Roosevelt.

Have you even read All Quiet on the Western Front?

Cool, so if I'm an English professor who specialized in American Romanticism, I shouldn't help my kid with a paper on Walt Whitman? Part of being a parent is passing your knowledge onto your kids, it just happened to workout extremely well in this case. Much like the genetic lottery that is life, sometimes you win,

Very true. Best cameras in a phone also. I'm always asked to use my phone when taking pics these days.

I'm glad this is taking off. I see a lot of Tesla's in Northern NJ and New York City.

Weren't they also trying to develop a supersonic jet that could deliver troops anywhere in the world in 2 hours, by flying into the upper-atmosphere, almost into space?

obtain plans, 3D print more.

Rugby's pretty accepting of it. At least at the amateur club level.

Frisky Dingo! BOOSH!