
She would have been better off shilling for for the amount of depth in this article. This doesn't even come across as a cautionary tale of online dating. She met a guy she didn't think she had anything in common with, it happens all the time.

I thought that was the plan?

Cee U Next Tuesday

there is quite a bit of research on the efficacy of using milk post-workout. chocolate syrup is just a way to get more carbs in after a work-out. it's what i recommend to anyone who ever asks me about what they should have after a workout or game.

they have one in my gym, but i've never seen someone use it, and i've been afraid to ask the gym owner because he tends to be ornery. I like to hit up the rock gym nearby though.

You'd feel the same achievement as you would if you reached the top of the Tread Wall.

Man PKZip brings back memories of trying to fit as much porn on one floppy as you could before bringing it to a friend's house.

Oh yeah, that would be nice.

Check out the Lucid Hyrda chipset. [] Allows you to use Nvidia and ATI cards on the same board.

The new Dyson fan is pretty awesome. I wonder if there's a way to implement the design to create silent wind farming.

it's the new "picture you took out of a magazine and put in your wallet."

This is pretty much the same reasoning behind contrast showers, where you stand under an ice cold shower for 30 seconds, and then turn on either hot or warm water for 2 minutes, depending on the intensity of your workout. contrast showers are much cheaper considering you can just do it in your own home.

The point is to illustrate just how bad some people have and some of the many problems the working poor face as they struggle to make ends meet. It's just to make you think. It is not, how ever, meant for some ass to play and then explain/brag about how they went through so much worse and came out so much better.

I...sort of think you missed the point...

I just use an upright steamer. It's pretty useful.

I have a 40gb SSD i got for super cheap. Just use it as an OS boot drive, for quick startup and shutdown. But I was only thinking of getting one because I built myself a new comp to celebrate my new job. Price definitely needs to come down.

I've been waiting for someone to adapt the DOD trend for philanthropic purposes. This is awesome.

@mrm: *cough* rugby *cough*

I've never had a problem with AT&T. In my last building, only people with AT&T could get service. People with Verizon had to go outside.

@nobodyr: Probably for the same reason my sister use to always steal my maxim before i could get to it.