I got my Model 3 last weekend, and so far I love it.
I got my Model 3 last weekend, and so far I love it.
Seems like an Ameritech F1 would have been better?
I’m not sure I agree that (optionally) inward-facing seats with tables or whatever are the future, for the following reason: almost everyone I know has a Sienna or Odyssey (yes I do have several young kids, why do you ask?) instead of a VW Eurovan (except for one guy down the street from me).
I’m trading in my 2006 a3.
I went to Home Depot a little bit ago to buy a garden hose. I went in the big open door, and asked the guy right inside where I could find a hose, and he pointed me the right way.
I’m one of those northern california people mr. Salami Hog mentioned above, and as such I’m not familiar with this “rust” thing.
It is in the faq:
Once in a while when I’m passenging in my wife’s mazda5 I’ll ask her why she’s in such a low gear, and this is her answer. So, seems legit to me (though I don’t do it personally).
This very morning I saw this (though with a much less long line being cut), where someone cut from a right-turn-only lane into the straight-going lane over a solid line*, and immediately on the other side of the intersection had a cop walk out into the lane and beckon them over to the side.
“Don’t be surprised when your so-called “friends” take advantage of the fact that you drive a ‘67 vw bug with non-functional door locks.”
My former co-worker had that car (more or less, I don’t know the exact year it was).
It depends somewhat on why you want an airplane... if it’s just for tootling around, fine (or for that get a 152, or even a 162).
They should joust.
This is what my brother-in-law thought.
The Gumpert Apollo is beautiful at heart...
Right after I (that is, my wife) got a Mazda5, a co-worker complained that I hadn’t gotten this instead. I pointed out that for the same price as an R63 I could have gotten a Mazda5 and an Exige, and he didn’t mention it again.
I went to London one time, and the first thing I saw after walking out of the train station (I think? I guess we took the train from the airport to somewhere near the place we were staying? I don’t remember.) Anyway, when we first walked out of whatever building it was that we were in, after first getting to London,…
I had the rear wheel of my bicycle suddenly stop turning while going down a not-very-steep hill not very fast, and that was bad enough. I can’t imagine this.