
We (the US) has a bunch of those. Some of them can sail around under their own power, and have big flat areas on the top where airplanes can take off and land.

Echoing everyone else who's commented so far, I really am curious what kind of value people see in this. The only thing that comes to mind is being able to alt-tab directly to your email client, but that doesn't sound useful enough to actually get me to use it.

One of my first snack-food memories is of Barbra's cheese puffs. Those and sesame sticks.

About the winner, I had just scrolled down enough so the top 1/3 of the photo was visible, and I already thought "huh, looks like planes landing at SFO." Sometimes they do have (only two, of course) planes landing scarily close together.

@LetsTryThisAgain: what's the deal with diablo anyway? i played it once. then i analyzed the game mechanics, deduced that the rest of the game would be clicking madly all the time and shut the game down.

@Animos: Damnit, I was going to do that.

Another (unrelated) thing that I just happen to have noticed... have the timestamps on everything here always been in eastern time, even if you're in pacific?

I thought it was going to be something like "there are 30,000 eyes, and one of them caught this picture of the secret app store review guidelines."

I don't need text. I just want calling. I also want my phone to cost as much as a phone that just calls, and be the size that a modern phone that just calls could be, but it doesn't seem like such a thing exists.

One time we had to pick my brother-in-law's rio up at a train station and drive it home. My wife and I drove over there, and (after going to the wrong parking lot, then the wrong train station...), my wife drove the rio back.

@FriarNurgle: You can also use Gimp. Sure it's not as good as photoshop, but I've never used photoshop anyway so I don't know what I'm missing...

There's a huge wang on the right side of the first picture.

"Will do"? We're good 'mericuns 'round here. We don't say "will do," It's "he's gonna" (or at least "he will").

I saw this one the other day...

Dear people who made that video:

This is the one thing at which North Korea will always beat the rest of the world. They should do something like this at the next mass games.

@Spartanical: I agree! Especially with the part about how you may be subject to criticism if you use it in this way. They could also mention something about being subject to approbation if you use it in one of the previous ways.