
I watched the netflix documentary on him and the lack of self-awareness and remorse with him, his company’s general counsel and his wife was breathtaking. They honestly didn’t think they did anything wrong ripping off the most financially vulnerable segments of the population because other people were doing in.

what do you mean “... turns...”? I assumed that was the default operational state she came packaged with...

I’m pretty sure that’s what the native american’s would have told your ancestors... the ones they left alive I mean

the best thing in the world is to be a slightly below average QB. backup or 3rd string QB in the NFL would be a sweet gig. Make a million or two a year and no actual work outside of practice

Now that my kids are lego-aged, I’m constantly surprised about how single purpose their stuff is. It’s almost like they forgot that kids were supposed to be creative rather than follow 80 page multivolume sets of instructions... or they figured out how much money they could make selling branded set... hmmm I wonder

If they fire him then one of two things will happen...

Careful what you ask for... in theory having them try would blow up in their faces... but in theory requires a functioning legislative branch... not the one we have where the majority party is much much more interested in staying in power even if it means protecting a criminal president...

too early... I’m betting the festivities won’t kick off until much closer to the mid-term elections. The war bump doesn’t last long so you have to deploy it effectively.

We are all Jason Mendoza now

So to take it to a logical extreme I’m now calling the cops every time I see a BMW?Merc/Audi parked across multiple spots and I’m making a citizen’s arrest when I see them tailgaiting and driving aggressively

Look up. That’s the joke going over your head

Man I miss him coaching in the Big 12. he’s always good for an unfiltered take on ANYTHING

Exactly. There’s a reason Austin is the largest metro in the United States without a pro team. Between UT sports plus being 3 hours from different cities with a full complement of pro teams any pro team would struggle in Austin

you have no idea what NFL players are like. You could absolutely be a world class athlete and not make an NFL roster. NFL players are typically a ridiculous blend of size, speed, and power. Even the “fat” guys can move.

“...not one of them us will get out unscathed.”

Really? You were chased down the street every weekend and someone you never told anyone? Even when I went to school there, which was a long time ago, they were cracking down hard on stuff like that. Entire frats got shut down for writing slurs on cars. Somehow I don’t think this passes the smeller.

I went to UT and still live in Austin and I’m full Asian. I have to say outside of a few assholes I didn’t get a whole lot of grief in school.

Unless your stuff won’t fit in a standard carry-on size bag I would always carry-on. Depending on the airport you can save 30 minutes to an hour waiting for your luggage when you land plus you don’t take the chance of getting your luggage misrouted. Also it makes it much easier to change flights if you miss one or can

You do know that the ~1 hour connection time is a feature that’s built into how airlines design their schedules right? The legacy airlines (AA, United, Delta, etc) all have hubs that operate at on a banked flight system. The flights all land around the same time on purpose.

Pretty much what I thought too. They stuck a faux Lexus grill in the front and the side profile of a g35/q50 and presto an”original” design