
It’s not always brand snobbery, sometimes it’s caring about the dealer experience. The established luxury brands generally have much better ones than mostly mainstream brand with a luxury offering or too.

Exactly. We should only take games played by grown men and women seriously. Those matter.

of course he is...

that’s a feature not a bug.

With Austin traffic she was probably just trying to get to the next building without getting on the street. It works in movies right?

The analogy is a bit confused. I would actually expect race car drivers to run out of fuel in their own away from the levels of support they have on the track.

My dad taught me to go to the dealer dressed down. If they treat you nicely then (which doesn’t necessarily mean saying yes ... just no gracefully without being rude) then they’ll be nice to you wearing a suit. I still do it to this day.

yes but he’s pushing back the gays and taking us back to the 5os... the 1850s... so he’s ok by them

If that’s your experience you need to get your AC checked. I live in Texas and occasionally have to take calls in my parked car. AC works fine even stationary. They have these things called fans that can blow air over the heat exchangers so the car doesn’t have to be moving.

pretty much how it works. Jeep kills every company that buys it. It’s tradition!

This isn’t getting ridiculous...why are we giving Trump such a hard time about this? Don’t we all have one-to-one meetings with our boss? This is totally normal. Nothing to see here. Move along people.

Hate to harsh your buzz but two words... “President Pence”

Exactly. Maybe NY should be more like Kentucky and fund Noah’s Ark recreation parks and teach history instead of snowboarding

holy crap... Is he wearing a tank top with a pocket? What kind of jorts go with that?

I travel internationally for work including to some pretty sketchy places. They give everyone who travels this prescription for “oh crap I’m gonna die” pills. The only guidance they tell you is “you’ll know when to take them.”I haven’t had to take them yet but from what I’ve seen of my co-workers yes you will know

Somewhere in North Korea Kim Jung Un just nodded and said challenge accepted

When is Formula One. FIFA, and the Olympic committee finally just going to say F@&$ it and go to North Korea? What’s the point of messing around? Why not just take this to its logical conclusion?

There are no decent humans in hot tubs. FACT 

That makes perfect sense for the tiny, tiny percentage of people that are or even could do that. The reality is the vast majority of the people with those loans are just trying to afford the car.

Not for the people that end up there. The people with options end up in Austin or A&M depending on your preferences... (in the case of A&M that would be sheep and homoerotic school organizations... just google Aggie Corp and Cheerleaders)