Honestly, and unfortunately, I think if anyone hears of a priest being beat up that’s where their brain goes first anyway....
Honestly, and unfortunately, I think if anyone hears of a priest being beat up that’s where their brain goes first anyway....
Well played, but in this case literal. :)
Anything that requires a physical connection doesn’t alarm me in the least. If someone has physical access to my car they can do almost anything. It’s the things that someone could do from their basement that would scare me.
Regarding a “connected” car, what exactly does that do? It all depends where the hooks for that connection lead. If all it does is let you locate your car or set a destination on your GPS, the vulnerability is pretty low-stakes (although people with stalkers may disagree). But if it controls anything related to safety…
Stab in the throat, however? Totally fine.
Yeah, I feel like today he’d probably get applauded. In the late ‘60's or early ‘70's when this happened, he was expelled and punished. Times change (sometimes even for the better, go figure!)
Ha, maybe in 2019. In the late ‘60's, early ‘70's, priests and nuns beating the shit out of kids in Catholic school was a feature, not a bug.
He was in Catholic school and the priest was hitting one of his friends (as they were wont to do back then; corporal punishment and all that).
He was in Catholic school and the priest was hitting one of his friends (as they were wont to do back then; corporal punishment and all that).
My dad got coal one year. No other gifts, just coal. He was an asshole child, and his dad was a hard-ass, and he finally pushed them far enough that they gave him coal.
You’re either being very kind or need new eyeballs.
I can’t believe someone beat me to this awesome joke. Kudos.
SHUT UP Becky! Oooo that would have been sweet.
b) sell the tickets for a major loss
Old-money New Englanders are an odd lot. It’s tough to nail down where they’d vote (though I’m sure there’sa 40,000 word think piece about it somewhere). I feel like his lack of respect for tradition would be the nail in his coffin for a lot of them, including the elder Gilmores, but hard to say.
If you already have TSAPre, is there any way to have that go towards your Global Entry fee / process? Or are you basically paying twice?
Put it in H!
Thanks for responding, I had no idea! Definitely seems to explain our experience.
I also switched from LastPass to BitWarden. LastPass is more feature packed, but I found their browser plugin and phone app unreliable. BitWarden feels much more lightweight and has been much more reliable, for me.
Yes it is! What does that mean we’re not under Subaru of America?