!! Is that missing a decimal point or does your coworker have REALLY bad credit?
!! Is that missing a decimal point or does your coworker have REALLY bad credit?
I agree on the debt part — the OP didn’t mention debt. If you can afford it though, I don’t consider any of it wasted money.
That’s what my poorly constructed sentence was meaning to say.
I hope that works out for you? Most people certainly do not fare well with this plan.
Your statement at the end is.... odd and irrelevant to this question? How much does one need to “get out” in order to suddenly know the statistics about average down payment of a used car?
In fact there are stories on this very website about people rolling UPSIDE DOWN car loans into new purchases, effectively starting with negative equity, so... I really question that statement.
I don’t... know if that’s true? Years ago I remember using Capital One to get a small used car loan, they’ll cut you a check for 100% of the value of a used car all day long, as long as it’s from a dealer.
Jesus, doing the math... if the average cost of new car is 31,000 and the average payment is 523... people are putting NOTHING down. Just.... how.....
All bodies turn to worm food eventually too. Houses turn to rubble. Food turns to shit. All things we justifiably spend money on.
It depends on where you live too... I mean... do you not drink? How do you NOT spend $150 on a meal at a nice restaurant? My wife and I go out usually on Friday or Saturday, and it’s rarely below $100. For a fancy meal $150 is certainly in the running, $200 not out of the question if we spring for a bottle of wine or…
I heard one interview with one of the victims who said he ordered the food, and left before even eating anything, so it wasn’t about really getting free food or anything, just fucking over some innocent person.
I get that comment section == sass, but I think someone can want something unique beyond wanting to be a special snowflake. Sometimes it’s boring to walk towards a car in a sea of other IDENTICAL cars and say “oh, I guess that’s mine.”
Cult 45! LOL
If this is a serious comment, I truly hope you can pull out of the spiral. Remember that the most successful people in our society have failed spectacularly and have only come to be successful by pushing through. Good luck kind stranger.
I gave my own father the “do you need a safe space?” when he was ranting about some comedian being “unamerican” and bashing the President, and just got met with confusion and then him storming away. So I’m totally on board with this.
The irony is so thick that this is the same group of people who call everyone a cupcake and ask if they need a safe space when called out on racist tirades.... I know it’s just an act in all ways but Christ on a stick.
While the extension mainly functions as a big flashing advertisement for the show’s upcoming third season
That’s the exact word.
Can’t argue with results.
The thing is, even apart from the obvious danger, there’s a traffic cost too -- semis take forever to come up to speed, so when you cut them off and force them to slow down / stop, they slow ALL traffic behind them as they re-accelerate. Multiply by everyone doing this to every truck, and you have a pretty large…