No apology necessary, rage seemed reasonable and directed appropriately. Government incompetence is hard to ignore even when it’s abstract; when it’s directly affecting your day-to-day life it’s outright infuriating.
No apology necessary, rage seemed reasonable and directed appropriately. Government incompetence is hard to ignore even when it’s abstract; when it’s directly affecting your day-to-day life it’s outright infuriating.
I see. Thanks for the thorough response. It’s easy for someone like me to make a flippant comment (when I don’t even live in NYC) but not really grasp the entirety of the problem.
If the objective (from NYC gov’t point of view) is to preserve the yello cab dominance, I would think exempting them from the charge would make Uber / Lyft a cost-prohibitive alternative to the Yellow Cabs who wouldn’t have the same added cost.
I appreciate your ire at the situation. I guess I’m not sure your point though? The MTA’s woes seem independent of this issue. And honestly my point was only if they wanted to achieve what their objective of pushing out Lyft and Uber, a congestion charge seems to be a better way of doing it; I don’t necessarily agree…
The solution they’re proposing does nothing to address that either? At least iwth a congestion charge they can put the money towards public transit improvements.
Feels like the best “solution” here is to implement a large congestion charge (a la London /Paris) and exempt Yellow cabs. Let the rest work itself out.
Exactly! For like... 2 weeks I was like "this is kind of fun, he plays games and doesn't take things too seriously,...." And now I just want to curb stomp his inauthentic face. Changes in local politics may have had an effect on my attitude as well.....
I mostly agree with this. They’re unforgiving if you’re driving slowly (I was stuck in a rental Fiat 500, which in Euro Spec has about 80hp and feels like half of that), so every time I had to pass someone on the highway took a lot of effort and timing to not hog the passing lane, but otherwise I found them to at…
The Gordon Ramsey eggs are fantastic and you’re all crazy.
I’ve pretty much only ever been a “sports fan” for social reasons. If the only way to see your friends during football season is to watch a game you don’t care about, there are worse things -- it gets HARD to be social as you get older, so you take what you can get. If it’s a big enough gathering there’s usually a…
Fun fact : hot dogs come fully cooked in the package.
The frogurt is also cursed.
“Honey, be sure to pick up some pureed almonds suspended in water!”
I was trying to sell a Ranger a few weeks ago; similarly knew it would need brake lines soon but didn’t deal with them prior to selling. Then someone came to test drive and in the driveway they pumped the brakes and it sounded like a super soaker in the rear end. So I ended up selling a truck with brand new brake…
Absolutely. And bumps, and lots of other factors. It’s a very stupid thing to do, but on it's face not impossible, just... Unlikely to yield good results.
I wouldn'tsay definitely. Google tells me the average weight for a modern washing machine is 150-200lbs, and that the factory roof rack of a liberty can hold 150, which probably means the failure point would be closer to 200lbs. I mean, it would be stupid, but not impossible.
The weighted blankets seem to be back at their non-sale prices.
The weighted blankets seem to be back at their non-sale prices.
Stupid as I am, I hadn’t even thought about how it would scale for multiple children; saving that much certainly makes more sense (if the lines had been even remotely reasonable, which it sounds like they weren’t)
They’re good dogs, Brent.
I asked a mom friend of mine on Facebook the questoin but didn’t really get an answer; how much does Build-A-Bear cost without the promotion? Googling led me to believe it’s less than $25. I understand money is tight for a lot of folks but is a $20 savings really worth... any extra wait in line, let alone many hours…