
To be overly sympathetic here, imagine what it’s like being the question-asker and having to live in his head all day, and having to ask this question in the first place. All you have to do is not read it and not make a stupid comment, he has to live with it. As a sometimes overly anxious person myself, I can at least

In defense of revving your engine for reasons other than to be cool, if you ever had a shitty old carbeurated car, sometimes it’s the only way to keep them running at idle :)

18 minutes seems like a long time. I’m sure they cook differently than in boiling water (9 minutes at most) but how green are the yolks in your case?

I have, but not often.

He has a name... you’d love to touch... but you mustn’t touch...

And I actually like Chipotle, but there are already plenty of alternatives that provide a pretty similar product.

I also have people who enter the wrong callback number when dialing in, so all of a sudden a voicemail message comes blasting through, which is fun.

Chipotle is going under because twice they’ve had high-profile poisonings of large groups of people.

I’m with you. Loved them as a kid, but as an adult just way too heavy for breakfast (or any meal). Every once in a while I’ll have some (our local breakfast place has specials occasionally and I’ll be tempted in) and always feel gross after and regret it and just wish I had some eggs.

Not sure if that makes it better?

Funny how the ONLY people who encourage everyone to buy Bitcoin and other crypto are the ones who are invested and thus have something to gain by the increased market cap....

I feel like I can’t even pick up a wrench without bloodshed.

One was advice for people (don’t brush your teeth around shit). The other was advice about getting mad at someone else peeling eggs. If the advice was to the egg-peeler, I think the shit-covered-eggs argument would apply. But if the guy doesn’t mind eating poo, I think it’s fine to peel an egg in the bathroom. It’s a

“fight me”

I mostly agree. I think anyone who is on a plane has the capacity to realize that space is at a premium; some people just don’t think that way. It doesn’t make them bad people but I’d say it puts them lower on teh compassion scale. Sometimes being too high on said scale can be a curse too, because you tend to

But you as a sentient being know that you’re on said airplane, and know there is someone behind you whose life you’re making miserable, so.... you’re a monster? I guess... what’s worse, not being able to recline your chair (which really doesn’t change your comfort level all that much or give you any more space), or

Man are you guys humorless.

I apologized for this elsewhere (you can’t edit a comment once it’s been responded to) but thanks for the righteous indignation.

It isn’t. The automatic seat belts had obvious unfixable flaws, as anyone like me who owned an Escort in the early 90's and has a permanent dent in their head can attest to.

Keyless systems are just superfluous complexity meant to entertain the dim witted