I feel like the lazier and more common trope is the whole “parenting is really hard but look how rewarding it is” schmaltz, so I’ll take your trope any day.
I feel like the lazier and more common trope is the whole “parenting is really hard but look how rewarding it is” schmaltz, so I’ll take your trope any day.
The thing about non-monospace fonts is you really don’t notice the double space anyway. This really is the epitome of pedantry. I’ll defend the Oxford comma to my death but a half-width extra space after a period... you’re only noticing this if you’re looking for it.
I found it jarring how prominent smoking was in this episode and wondered if I was missing a joke somewhere. I recognize that people in China tend to smoke more than (modern) Americans, and Monica smoking was just shorthand for her kicking back, but smoking is so taboo on television (and in society) nowadays it stuck…
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Everyone else recommends getting tickets ahead of time / doing a “skip the line” tour, so... I trust my own experience and that of many, many other people to your word.
Yes the Vatican museums (including Sistene Chapel). Though I thought the same line applied for St. Peter’s, I could be wrong.
Maybe there are different types of reservations for the Colosseum (which for some reason Google also allows me to badly misspell as Coliseum... oops). We had a “skip the line” tour, legitimately didn’t wait in line at all.
Most of these I got from Rick Steves, but still were life-savers on our trip :
Do people not know any teachers in real life? They’re just.... People. They drink and do stupid things. It’s not like only construction workers and rodeo clowns drive drunk
What’s wrong with small mom and pop spots? I disagree that they use “similar products” to Starbucks. I live in a pretty small town and we have at least three ‘local’ places that use either their own roasted beans or at least another local roastery. ANd I’m in New England, I get it, you can’t cross a street without…
Starbucks is most certainly NOT all we have. Nothing still competes with Italian espresso (how is it so good??) but many can surpass Starbucks at least.
I’m a heavy inbox user as well, but with these new features I don’t really see any reason to have them both. There’s nothing I use in Inbox that isn’t being rolled into Gmail proper?
It’s truly infuriating, as someone who is a heavy GOogle Services user, to see how much their various pieces COULD fit together seamlessly, and how they refuse to put more than even a tiny bit of effort into making that a reality.
Between FM radio (can’t be bothered to ‘hook up’ your phone??) and hunt-and-peck, it’s truly amazing to me that Drew is only like 2 years older than me rather than 20 years.
This is quite an old comment but i believe the point was indeed that people are idiots :)
But you’ve of course targeted womp rats?
Yup, same. Google SHeets are nice because I can share with my wife and access them anywhere.
Let’s focus on making it so women aren’t compelled to use this stuff, not so men ARE.
We used to watch this movie as kids / tweens, and I remember when we watched and my (religious) uncle was around he’d always wander by around the time of that f-bomb and mute the TV. Cuz the rest of the content in that movie was fine, but saying “fuck” was over the line.
As someone on my third rust-bucket Ranger, I can’t tell you how jealous I am of the options in SoCal. Can’t get a Japanese pickup for under 8-10k around here.
I had a model of this vintage when it was new; it was not a reliable vehicle, I would definitely not want an old one.