Do they ever actually prosecute these people?
Do they ever actually prosecute these people?
It’s not surprisingly pretty bad. You could probably get close to 20 if you really tried but you’ll most likely be nearer to 10mpg.
A sense of autonomy? Buying each other gifts?
Except people who are allergic to cats, but fuck them, right?
The compromise should be that any animal that is for any kind of support, recognized disability or not, should be trained and licensed to provide that support. Service Animals are straight up amazing in how well they are trained and vetted to perform their tasks. If you truly need an emotional support animal, you…
Pretty much the same here. I make significantly more than my wife so we just adjust the amount that goes into the joint account from each of us accordingly. I honestly don’t think this is a thing where it should be different for everyone. If you’re married or at least financially coupled (sharing rent and a majority…
#notalllosers ?
I may be confusing the two
To be clear, I always do cash only. :)
Instead of saying “car was on autopilot,” can we just say “driver was not looking at the road”?
I’ve heard stories of cashier’s checks / money orders being “cleared” but then being rescinded a day or two later when it’s determined they were fraudulent, so I don’t know what to believe any more.
Or, breathe exactly the same.... Does anyone have any literature on whether these do anything?
Or, breathe exactly the same.... Does anyone have any literature on whether these do anything?
As someone who lives in an old house, these are all so tantalizing to me, because getting a common wire to most of my light switches would be... .an ordeal.
As someone who lives in an old house, these are all so tantalizing to me, because getting a common wire to most of…
Jesus Christ have none of you people had actual roast beef? Roy Rogers doesn’t even exist anymore but I’m sure it’s terrible, and Arby’s.... Jesus Christ Arby’s. I’m not a snob (“I am not a crackpot”), and I’m sure the sauce and whatever is delicious, but nothing is more unappetizing than that fast-food Arby’s grey…
Came here to rail against Word co-opting Ctl-G, was not disappointed. The fact that it’s a Microsoft property makes it even more rageful.
First : I got a Prius as a rental recently. It was the first time I had ever driven one. The looks are... whatever, but the real reason to make those cars look like real cars would be the horrific rear visibility. I always thought Prius drivers were bad because they were too busy watching the fuel monitors, but…
Assuming you can cover it, also just have your friends pay you back. Venmo and other services exist, it’s 2018. Someone with decent credit and some trust in their friends put it on their rewards credit card and reap the points and everyone else pay that person post haste.
This definitely sounds like the childish comment section tirade of a grown up.
Honestly, even if your car has one, it’s probably lying to you. Even if it looks like an analog gauge, it’s programmed to say cold, warm, or hot, no different than an idiot light (obviously there are exceptions, but fewer and fewer).