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    I get that we need to stop polluting but banning cars is not practical for cities like LA where you have to move 30 miles to comute. Its practical for small cities like NY since the metro makes more sense, but lets face it, the US is huge and adding public transportation to the entire country is economically

    This feature was the only and only blackberry built in that I miss. Its by default without hacks like this :)

    I do like electric cars but the comparisson is unfair. You can do the exact same trip in gas power but picking where, when and how long to stop. There are cars out there with autopilot too.

    Really sick thinking that because you “pay” taxes to an organization that helps animals you are allowed to kill and worst to make it suffer for weeks. Animals where in this planet before us and nature has ways of controling population. You are not helping but rather saying that if an person is in pain you are allowed