
Doesn’t the air intake need to face the rear so it doesn’t suck in all of the dust from the guy ahead of you?

It does live in Corpus Christi.

Its a shame no one in Mexico wants to work.

The process server did have one of the best seats at the presentation.

Jason just trying to do whats best for the children.


True. According to their financial statement, for the year at Carmax the “gross profit per retail used unit was $2,205".

Carvana ran out buyers willing ( and able ) to pay over inflated prices for used cars . Carvana raised their prices to ridiculous levels and for a while made a fortune.

The bid for AF1 necessitated 4 engines. Airbus 380 was the only competitor with 4 engines, but would have been foreign built.

And it was super quick to tap your left foot on the switch.


It could be the end.  The 2nd season might be a prequel!

Thats pretty much all people in security.

I think Helly is a descendant of Kier.  Next in line for CEO.  Perhaps all of the CEOs are severed and totally devoted to corporation.

Its illegal to live in your vehicle in many states, so an automobile.

$40k is affordable now? he only stole a little bit of money from AAA, so that makes it OK?

Wire fraud is a spurious charge to prove in an air disaster. Manslaughter would have probably gotten a quick conviction.

The problem was also pilots were unaware of what a bad sensor would cause MCAS to do.

The moral of the story is do not use your company email to brag about your actions that might cause the death of hundreds of people.