
God.. those dumbo ears on the buell..... just cringeworthy styling..

Buells sucked.

They should start making Zero’s again then............

Now playing

“Like tears in the rain.... Time to die......”

I saw them cutting some of the switchback corners! lol

Sick camber, brah

Whoa! Skateboard sized...!

Seeing it, I just want to fall to my knees and weep it’s so beautiful.....

Yeah, well, that’s just. like, your opinion, man....

Oh.. I know quite a bit about dirtbikes, thanks... and yeah, 450 isn’t a big-bore.. and 2 gallons won’t even get you a lap of the White Rim... you’re going to argue that 80 miles of range is “significant”? Lolz

450cc = “big-displacement”.... Huh?

True that only a few have been caught, but that’s so far. 3 years ago nobody would of guessed that VW was cheating it’s ass off.. but now we know. And now Audi, mercedes, chrysler/fiat, (and others I’ve since forgotten) have been caught. To think that everyone that’s cheating has already been caught is pretty

What if you’re on dirt or gravel?

But even your KLR has overhead cams.............

Harley riders refuse to acknowledge anyone who’s not on a harley....

“fantastic bikes”

Hey guy.. leave ducati out of this! They’re doing just fine!

I was involved with some emissions testing at a CARB certified lab back in 2000. While there, during a conversation with one of the lab principles, he casually mentioned emission cheat devices. He said that every single manufacturer uses them.

Ditto- 2007 MkV GTI— 150K miles and it’s been a peach the whole time....

My 2.0T has been nothing but reliable (and fast and fuel-efficient) for 150K now......