
Ehhh... it’s not like we were going highway speeds or anything..... But my buddy with me laid his bike down for the first time ever that day.. then laid it down for the second time, then the third, and pretty sure fourth too..... fun day! (but a bit chilly)

Nope, just regluar enduro tires and my reg pressure... just had to accelerate very “quietly” or lose traction and dump it.... which certainly happened more than once that day.....

Did someone say “winter riding”???

No.. not awkward at all.... just a fucking bummer that America does this crap to its citizens................


I don’t have the actual figures at hand, but pre-obamacare, something like 80% of all US bankrupcies were caused by an unforeseen medical emergency. And out of those people, something like 65% STILL had health insurance.. But folks didn’t realize how absolutely shitty their health ins was until it was too late.

They seem pretty threatened by black people too.... that also seems to fit into the pattern you’re seeing....

.......considering how horribly he’s screwed her the entire fucking country.............

Well when you’re running against Hillary... clearly it didn’t take too much.....

Subaru’s are for amateurs.

Yeah, it’s been a pretty mild winter for sure... but at least most of the high country’s been getting decent snowpack..

Flatlander: “But dude, I got an SUV with all-terrain tires and four wheel drive, plus I’m a really good driver”

Hilarious and sad..........

Well, plagiarism or not, still better than Bay’s ‘creations’....

I heard the movie ends with her losing her left hand.....

It’ll be awesome when American auto manufacturers ditch fuel economy standards so when oil prices go back up, Japan can eat GM’s lunch again like in the 1970's and 80's...

I’ve heard that the intercooler scoops on wrx/sti’s become worthless above 80-90 mph because of the airflow/aerodynamics of the cabin....

When that Joe Wilson asshole shouted “YOU LIE” at Obama during that SOTU I thought it was the most rude, unprofessional, disrespectful thing I’d ever seen. But tonight, I’d love to see a Dem Congressional member do it to Trump during an actual lie to see how the Repubs react.

Racists douchbag confederate flag-waving jagoff tears are the best tears