Bob Internet

White supremacist prison gangs are more pre-occupied with black and latino fellers, I think.

He's talked elsewhere about Comedy Central liking it because it's cheap to make. Seems likely.

It's not your fault.

This is already eight pages deep so it might have already come up, but am I crazy for thinking someone (Hank or someone else) is going to figure out what that lottery ticket means? Like they go, 'why would a meth kingpin need to buy a lottery ticket?' And then eventually they figure out that it's coordinates.


I'm convinced that if you were to edit out all the neighbour kid's pseudo-philosophising bullshit from American Beauty, what you'd have left would make for a pretty good dark comedy.

Glue some whiskers on me, you idiots!

I don't think that the stand-up character she does is THAT bad, but she's not doing a vocal fry in this one if that makes any difference to you.

He Joe Pasquale'd you.

Anal Bum Cover for $7000.

Gillian Jacobs is the MVP of everything all of the time.

@disqus_SbT06dX4rd:disqus  Hard line prescriptivism is problematic, no doubt, but there's a middle ground. If we're going to suggest that if enough people use a word incorrectly for long enough it becomes correct, then the OED better change the meaning of the word 'literally' to 'figuratively' because that seems to be

We'll also need mints for after.

When Rick gets out of the car he tells Maggie to drive it up to the prison (or something to that effect).

Everyone uses two bookmarks for Infinite Jest. You'd have to be an insane person not to.

No disrespect?

Co-sign on the Paul Kelly.

Co-sign on the Paul Kelly.