Bob Internet

Not really. Franzen's way more concerned with being Important, with his own canonicity. Hence the Time cover, et cetera.

If nothing else, this episode of DLM is worth it for Pete Holmes' TJ Miller impression.

I was getting worried that they'd completely removed Duffy's spine this season.

Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father's passin'.

Am I wrong in thinking Liz Lemon hasn't come up yet?

Does crush really sum it up, though? She's more like some mythical deity at whose altar one worships.

Definitely seems like an oversight.

I'd totally take her out for baggels.

It was used as a promo.

I like what I've heard from this record.

Is it true that Martin Underscore Clarke is producing this?

I think there might have been visa issues relating to his ability to "work" in the country. He was mostly doing backyard shows and the occassional DJ set.

Agreed. It just seems like them doing their deconstructionist thing in reference to rap braggadocio in general, and Kanye in particular with the Michael Jackson thing.

So the piece is by Keith Gessen? That seems kinda F'd having the dude's friend write about him. Or am I misunderstanding the extent to which the piece is about Harbach/The Art of Fielding?

Bring back
That thing where Kyle and Steve talk about music every month.

Dude is awesome.
And he's dating Rachel McAdams. They're like Russ and Rebecca on Chums.

Sklarbro Country
I disagree with your comments re Bob Ducca and Randy Moss' dog.

Jorma's trying to get some of that JTT run-off pussy.

Was that before or after there was a shot of it in the last episode?