The Yellowing is the bromine in the plastic reacting to oxygen and then stabilizing due to UV or heat. The fact that your consoles are in the basement (no UV) and a climate controlled environment (no heat) is why they are not yellowing.
This is kind of how I feel when I come across the "female doctor" debate.
Chris - if you like Brave's character design, check out a guy named Steve Purcell, who did a fair amount of the preliminary production design - his stuff is gorgeous, and he's also the very funny person who wrote & drew 'Sam & Max: Freelance Police" (Dog & rabbity-lagamorph thing have vaguely detective-y adventures -…
I feel like I'm supposed to find Amanda Palmer annoying/loudmouthed/whiney but to be honest? She's human and I can't fault her for that.
"On behalf of nerds everywhere"
I'm a nerd and I disagree with you. They're making an adaptation of the story that already differs from the one I grew up with. If they want to add more diversity and inclusiveness to it then surely that's a good thing.
Spider-Man in a hot interracial gay relationship? FINALLY something that would differentiate it from all the other gazillion Spider-Man movies!
have you played that game? its not a bad game by any means but Peach saves the day by being an overly emotional women. thats her gimmick. shes defined by her sex and gender unlike her male counterparts. Mario jumps and throws fire which are unrelated to male stereotypes. Peach on the other hand floats using her dress…
Looking back, it was awfully weird that he felt he needed to invite two irresponsible, marginally employed dudes to come live with him as sort of a mother replacement.