
“Burt, you asshole! There’s no bullets in this gun!”

That’s dumb that he regenerated his adamantium skeleton. Like dumber than usual comic book dumb.

I did know that despite having NO practical reason for having that knowledge take up space in my brain.

I dunno if scars would immediately heal after his mutant powers kicked in, but in his entire superhero tenure he must have had his dick blown clean off AT LEAST once, at which point it would regenerate with foreskin. Although, now that that’s settled, we must determine the status of his belly button.

Those are pichus. note the fur pattern on the ears and back. Also, platypi are born from eggs and they nurse their y—WHAT THE FUCK HAS THE INTERNET DONE TO MY BRAIN?????

I believe Attack the Light based their character art directly on the the show’s long distance models. The details don’t get lost at smaller sizes which is important for smaller screens and it makes sense for the group shot, RPG look of the game. And Save the Light’s backgrounds look like they’re 3D cell shaded

I still can’t believe this is happening. Whatever. As long as it means Jojo continues to gain traction and the anime keeps getting renewed I can’t complain.

Shadow of Wardor

If karma is real, Donald Trump won’t die on the job. A blood vessel will burst somewhere in his brain due to stress, paralyzing him from the eyebrows down. Doctors will save him but declare him to be in a vegetative state that he will never recover from. A tv will be set up in his room, set to cable news, and he will

Most people aren’t watching movies with the intent to analyze and deconstruct even their most obvious themes (and most creators would prefer it stay that way) which is why articles and videos that do will always have an audience.

Hey, remember the last time the food-producing part of the Union tried to secede? Went great.

Considering that From’s next game is supposedly scifi, you’ll likely get your wish.

Bell pepper, onion, and CELERY. The Trinity is holy for a reason.

I actually find my original SNES controllers have gone a bit mushy in their buttons. I know I could order some new rubber elements, but between that and the cost of the adapter the iBuffalo seems more than comparable.

Watch Mob Psycho 100. It does everything OPM does except better and had probably the strongest art direction of last year.

Impressive as Atlas is, I don’t know if I’d call it MORE agile than a human. Unless we’re defining agility far differently.

Almost everyone *liked* it. But I don’t know anyone who considers it a modern classic.

To be fair, the implicit reasoning behind the build is exactly to SEE if its a complete piece of shit and utter waste of time.

I thought it was great, if maybe a little slow to get started but that might have been my fault more than the movie. (I really shouldn’t go to the movies on 4 hours of sleep). But between seeing Rogue One and reading Tarkin, I now firmly believe that bad guy side stories are just fundamentally more interesting than