
It would seem you’re confused. Americans are disgusted by people like you who preach America and patriotism, yet advocate for a fascist dictator to be in the White House. Do us all a favor and see how long you can hold your head under water.

Lol, this is a pretty unhinged comment.

You forgot about the Jewish space lasers. You ALMOST had bingo!

Thanks for the update. The uncertainty was killing us.

I hate Henry. It is like he has been intentionally trying to win a Darwin award. He was even dumb before the time-skip.

Your response alone is justification enough for this joke. It appears to have landed precisely on target.

Exactly as MLK warned us about in “Letter from A Birmingham Jail”: “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice;

This is all very unfair to poor Sage Steele. She makes it clear it’s not herself she’s worried about—it’s all the OTHER flyers (some of them immigrants too, by golly by gum!) who were being inconvenienced for whom Sage Steele’s heart wept. And all because some untidy and obstreperous liberals got a little upset about

If you think Dan is pissed, imagine how angry his viewer must be.