....”IN your car, though? Different story, Chief. Have a good one.”
I saw a Corolla with a mattress on top held down by all four people sticking an arm out the window.
I got a notice of a deliquent ticket in the mail twice while I was out of town and made it to the boot file. Luckily, I had paid the ticket before the PPA could boot me. Thing is, I never even got a ticket on my car in the first place, so I was extra lucky I paid it up. I found the escalating notices in the pile of…
He probably can drive better than 99% of the driving populace.
More like Bragatti
My ex fed a fed ex driver ex lax
“Pull up to the big white line”. Yes, pull up to it, don’t fucking jab your car into the crosswalk, you asshat. There might be pedestrians there and you make the cross traffic nervous because you look like you’re coming right on through.
Mrs Robo and I pulled ourselves out of a P&R loop after pulling ourselves out of an Office (US) loop and got into a Community loop which we pulled out of only to fall into an Arrested Development loop.
What the hull
The genius of the clutch is the burning smell fools sniffer dogs.
Oh. We didn’t realize someone who lives in Houston could wear a suit and be a major dingus.
HE didn’t start the fire.
Especially if they’re Samsung! Hey-yo!
Two cinder blocks. Done. Oh, you thought I was talking about a home-made squatty?
Two cinder blocks. Done. Oh, you thought I was talking about a home-made squatty?
what if someone runs a shopping cart into it?