
I actually have no complaints about the Versa except it felt ridiculously small when I got it back!

I drive a Versa (don’t laugh). But had to rent a Sonata once and actually loved the size and manueverability. Would get if I could afford. Didn’t get an mpg for my stint with it but I filled the tank once, kept it on eco mode and only had to top it off when I was done.

More like “Dullard’s”

Oh cute puppy yourself! I’d NEVER use a puppy to make people like my dumb posts.

Nobody reads those anyway..

Where’s your next set?

I loved his cameo on Parks n Rec. “I’m looking for a month? A...m..month of money.”

Didn’t know he does dramatic acting. I remember him as a psycho glee club guy on Community.

Dude. You go that fast, you can’t react to whatever pops up on a public road. I realize going fast is fun and people like it, but for fuck’s sake that’s lunacy.

154 mph? They don’t have miles over there. They listen to Kilometers Davis.

But flirting and inside jokes? Not cool. At all.

The most cautious generation has also grown up with strict “right of way for pedestrian” laws so they make up for not getting STDs by walking the fuck into the street without looking and staring at their phones.

Malarky is a Canadian doolie-bob?

Zesty mordent

Why don’t they just add more safety nipples to cars?

Haha you misspelled automobile! Hahahahahaha oh.

Your car’s carpets are housing car pets.

It seems that a few have disappeared. One that I used to count on (broad and Diamond ) turned into a 7-11. That morning sucked! Since then I fill up at the end of the day because i have to go the opposite way to get gas in the morning, which can add a good 20-30 minutes to my commute.

Autocorrect for the win!! “Pubis” lol

The great PBS donor Conrad Prebis and Reince Preibus should start a band- Prebis/Preibus.