John Lovitz
John Lovitz
General public? Like all 6 people who liked your reductive statement?
My apologies
I’d rather not know how.
I’m sure that being approached in a lovey way by Ozzy is akin to having the girl from The Ring crawling towards you.
Your art is the prettiest art..of all
I read it as “Adama” and was like “someone likes Battlestar Galactica”
i’m sure a lot of people (myself included) hear you and understand, fwiw.
I learned it from Flight of The Conchords when Brett dates the Australian lady.
Or, you know, start aligning yourself a few hours before the start time of the show?
And if it’s not, just say the coffee’s given you the poop soup and you have to leave ASAP
I think eventually Gawker Media will just give control over to the comment section for content production and proofreading ignorance!
Yeah! Big, dumb, beautiful forests. BO-RINNNGG!
Totes a B&E for that PB&J
But if the cucumber had exploded when he threw it into the woods he would be hailed as a hero!
I’ll move over for lanesplitters and bicyclists, and also just straight-up move over and let a cyclist pass me if I’m holding them back on a one-lane road.
Well, then, uh..could I get a new wristband?
Say what you want about her music but that lady can act. Her turn as a lovable mute volleyball in Castaway was a masterclass in acting.
Sure, but it’s a good way to add profits on what amounts to a $1-2 piece of material
At $20 a pop for a replacement times X number of people having to get them replaced = a buttwad of extra $$$$