
My rule is if it can rip off any part of my body then no fucking way. And I love animals.

I have a cat and if that fucker were the size of a tiger, no fucking way get outta here with that death machine!

I absofuckinglutely loved when my nieces did that at our wedding. I even accidentally lol’ed into the mic at how much they seemed not to give a shit.

Or possibly Daniels realized he was in the wrong trying to deflect from Howard by calling out Penn. Of course $$$$ plays into it, but i think he doubled down and then realized how wrong he was.

Or the whole of Great Britain.

Ok then, it’s a Subaru Back Out!

The red-headed kid? He seems like one of those kids who can make an adult cry.

He smoked resin and threw up at a Seth Rogen movie?

Re-apply those letter after running through an anagram generator. You could be driving A Oat Bub Ruckus or many other hilarious things.

The true story is the phone self-destructed when forced to take a picture of Justin Beebor.

I saw Kevin Spacey at a bar in NYC by himself and no one (myself included) bothered him. I was a little afraid of him, honestly!

“Creativity is the new thing to be competitive about but don’t worry you can buy it or subscribe to it now.”

How’d you know about my Versa? I paid the guy at the dealership extra for permanent windshield glue so I was quite surprised to find out it had gone bad. The mechanics did throw in a radio reciever calibration for free though. The only bad thing with that is sometimes your radio stations are different when you get it

For one, he was enthusiastic to participate in McArthyism when he was an All American Hero Cowboy Actor.

In the most backward places I fear that this will be great fun for certain types of cop.

When there are groups of Westboro types outside of restrooms is when I shake each and every one of their hands. After I use the bathroom without washing my hands.


Meat tends to add mass to people who then aren’t in constant survival mode and in turn aren’t angry all the time anymore. :)

Reckless production of a millenial douchcanoe, that’s what.