81 or 101? Big difference in hangover.
81 or 101? Big difference in hangover.
The WTFuxtables?
I don’t trust her, either. She doesn’t even look the same from when she was in the movie!
Malachi-ropractic Love advice Robin’some olds
But I like the Alabama Shakes!
My next door neighbor’s coke-addled son had one of these. This is the 1980s so your description is hilariously on point. I have a vague memory of it being parked in our driveway one morning and I was all, “wow! Dad, you got the same car as (redacted)!” And he goes to the window and goes, “that’s (redacted’s) car!” I…
I think the Park Rangers should able to write the ticket on the face of the offenders. With whatever implement was used to scratch the rock in the first place.
So THAT’s why you left a piece of parsley on my desk!! What do you do with your copy, plant it on your windowsill or what?
Right?! That’s a “light at the end of the tunnel” sum of debt. It probably cost more to collect than to let it go.
Used to watch regularly until a few seasons ago. Recently started a new Sunday afternoon tradition though with Hulu. Taking out the commercials makes it feel like less wasted time especially near the end when it’s 99% ads. Now I’m wasting the time I want to waste.
I was just McConaughy’ing around, you know. Not cause anyone tells me to. I just like it.
Like a 60 degree day in February- it’s fucked up, but I’ll take it.
Trump would want to know if the plant was grown in the U.S.
I had a Cuisinart refurb that worked great until it died on the day Kurt Vonnegut passed. The grinder was too small for the strength of coffee I like anyway. French press for the win.
I had a Cuisinart refurb that worked great until it died on the day Kurt Vonnegut passed. The grinder was too small…
Drunks say “G’ie-cosign on this. *hic*”
Open Farts is more like it
MC 3000' Pancake Jesus
Dose too yoots? Dey wanna drive da utes, ya know, da SUVs.