Bob Globule

Why don't you want more Derek in your life?

There was a moment (i forget which) when Colton had a look that told me he had already figured out Josh's bullshit and wasn't having it.

I tweeted that it would weird not watching the Simpsons anymore without Harry Shearer but then he resolved his contract dispute and ruined my cromulent joke.

*warms brandy, lights a cigar. Takes self-satisfied puff on cigar, lets big cloud of smoke. Reaches for brandy, burns hand, drops in lap. Jumps up, knocking cigar onto floor, setting fire to bearskin rug*

There was the time when no one knew who shot JR.

Ah, the BBC of the seventies; so indulgent, airing a program for two whole years

A tank of AIDS!

Just don't talk with a sassmouth or crasino hunks will rough you up!

I keep wanting to try it but am scared it will not be good. Same with the Odd Couple with Yvette Nicole Brown.

I believe Janet is the spirit of Perd Hapley



But what if there's a show on Univision hosted by a Unicorn sponsored by Unilever?

He's Michael UN-Schur!! Haha! Get it?!! Yeah!!

I don't know what panache means

Don't forget his cameo in the Leftovers.

"Me and my cousin climbed up into the rafters! We saw the whole thing!"

Well-meaning opposite opinion time- the 4th season was good and it rewards multiple watchings just like the first three.

Definitely disgust, no doubt. I guess sympathy isn't the word necessarily. Pathopathy?

He must have showed up at one venue and been like, "Hello, I must be going."