No mention of the Star Destroyer sized Jump-Ring in the inquiry that Hera’s crew caught flying around for no-reason? At least they played like everyone in the room knows Xiono is corrupt too.
No mention of the Star Destroyer sized Jump-Ring in the inquiry that Hera’s crew caught flying around for no-reason? At least they played like everyone in the room knows Xiono is corrupt too.
Yup, I think Kathleen Kennedy learned the wrong lesson with Solo. I’m sure Producers around her all blamed the recasting. “You did everything perfectly KK! The audience rejected Nu Han!” No my dudes, the problem was the pacing of releases. The casts in all the recent movies isn’t/ wasn’t the problem - even the shows!…
The worst thing I can say about season one of AoS is that it wants to be in the X-Files/Fringe mode and simply comes off as earnestly wanting to be part of that club.
As dead as anyone else in SW.
I’ve got suspicions as to what the Dothamir Witches are up to. (Uploading? Aren’t they Uploading cargo? Seemed like that’s what the Stormtroopers were doing.) And I’ve got a suspicion as to what Baylan is up to. And if I’m close on either, then that reminds me of this:
A Soldier’s Story (Denzel in a supporting role before superstardom)
Roni was big enough - in all ways - as a fully rounded personality within her own world, that she didn’t need to be attached to someone bigger. She probably thought she did. But we know she didn’t.
Yeah, the addiction aspect makes the funeral-rape both hard to watch (as, yes, we’ve been rooting for him) and sadly not out of character. Whatever he said to Brienne before he left (I assumed) was something so horrible that it shocked her as to break her heart, but also was so cruel that the producers didn’t want the…
Stargirl’s top three villains were fucking scary. Icicle, Brain Wave, and Season 2's Eclipso ... Cindy Burman maybe takes third. The show had a deep bench of baddies that it established surprisingly fast.
I thought this might have been the first A- episode in a series of B- episodes so far. I don’t feel this harshly: but to boil it down in a harsh way - it’s like the “fake-it til you make-it” strategy. They faked it... til they made it, and imho, this episode, they got there. The epicness gutted it over the goal line,…
Barely any of these things mean anything anymore as all of entertainment industry folks, other than top executives, are made to work 18 hour days and work on 4 hours sleep. The environment encourages everyone involved to reach for caffeine, cigarettes, speed, and/or coke, everyone’s a basket case, everyone’s on edge,…
Total agreement. So gratifying to watch “side characters” Margo and Eliot gradually move center stage over five seasons. “Take on Me” was another gut punch.
There’s a whiff of “Roman got caught for doing shit a whole lot of entertainment industry types were doing back then,” and since he ran - those who “support” him are more chagrinned and relieved that he took one for the team and just glad that they didn’t get caught. That’s a whiff anyway.
You can pull the girl out of the bar band, but you’ll never pull the bar band out of the girl - or something like that.
Could have sworn Legends of Tomorrow would have had a full musical episode, but after scanning their seasons, many many shows built to a musical number - but none did the full show. The Satanist’s Apprentice might count - fully half the show was an animated riff on Beauty and the Beast. Plus Zari had her “Masked…
Man, if ever there was a show from “back when” on Netflix that deserves a resurgence, it’s The Magicians. That “Under Pressure” scene was done/edited so well that I was in tears by the end. “Glossy Armor” was okay - jukebox musical, after all - I respected it more than fully got into it. A couple of the 80's tunes are…
Yipe! Only five comments from 2023? Unless there’s sprinkles throughout. Not going to see if either of these got a mention in the 900 some-odd posts, so here goes:
Since the show’s going hard at the ANH references, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a “Yee-haw! You’re all clear ladies! Now let’s blow this thing so we can go home!”
The whole album is solid
Real reason: Hera, Chopper, and their actors and FX are expensive, so we need to explain why they’re not in the rest of the show. Or “presumably” (hopefully) until the finale.*