Spectrum here! We’ll take ‘em. Send them our way. They’ll be Spectrum Originals by the weekend.
Spectrum here! We’ll take ‘em. Send them our way. They’ll be Spectrum Originals by the weekend.
Werner Ziegler’s revenge!
Hopefully no commercials for the finale.
It could be a large-ish company especially in Florida. Lawn sprinkler installation, fire sprinklers, commercial building contracts etc. My worry is that she was caught embezzling.
* The bank accounts are all over the country, presumably. All the marks live within a cab ride of Jeff’s route. So, even with a fake dispatch they can’t get too far out of Omaha - which lends a little to Gene’s intention of getting busted. If they had scammed like 6 guys and quit, yeah, they probably might never get…
I feel it’s likely Kim got caught doing crimes in FL.
Maybe Gene is angling to get busted, he just needed a big enough pool of crimes to use as leverage in some sort of negotiation with the feds. All these businessmen are from all over the country - maybe Gene wants years and years of snarled legal troubles; cases at cross-purposes - for ... reasons? He might even want…
MGM seems like a giant snarl of lawyers, self-circular legal documents, and stomach acid. Best to steer clear of it entirely.
I thought this was more of a solid B. Even though Caleb is the third character to get the Delos Treatment, he’s still sympathetic enough where you’re not thinking, “Yup, he deserves this.” It’s paying off his character from last season and this season. And though I’m starting to go the other way and not hate-on Aaron…
That ending theme was great. Kind of Giorgio Moroder-ish.
Thanks for the link. It wasn’t pictured, but I had forgotten that Uhura and Scotty hooked up in one of the later films.
Growly voice: “I am the one who sees you when you’re sleeping...”
I agree. Last week felt like a series ender. This week feels like it could work as a finish to the Gene scenes (he’ll never give up longing for that style - but he’s literally hung it up). Everything to come feels like Epilogue.
They’re getting good with body language but there’s overall a little something to do with gravity affecting cgi characters in normal situations that needs some care. The Hulk can jump and smash the side of a building and drag apart window panes and it looks great because no one every sees that in real life. But a tall…
I like that Ed Harris has more to do this season. I like that it feels like two mini-seasons smooshed together - 27 year time jump etc.
Agatha: Biotch of Brouhaha
It’s kind of a physical performance and role. Lots of groaning and bleeding.
He’s really only been asked to “Errg!” and “Arrg!” and generally be (somewhat ironically) Chewbacca to Maeve’s Han Solo. Only without the strength to rip arms out of their sockets. (yet!) He also bleeds all over the place. And groans sweatily. He’s kinda the audience surrogate, but I don’t think Caleb would watch this…
Great call back. Yeah, it was both a challenge for her to go ice-pick-cold on Howard’s widow, and a weary admission to herself that she can do this - has to do this one last lie. They could have walked away and been like, “Whatever,” with the lingering suspicions, but Kim realized she needed to nail this shut.