Bob Funch
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Here’s my take on HBO’s Vinyl: 3 fantastic episodes, two or three shitty episodes that sunk the series, and a couple episodes of unnecessary throat clearing. Great cast. Yes, too many coke-snorting sequences cribbing the visual shorthand of both Goodfellas and Casino. 3 best episodes were: The Elvis Episode, The Buddy

Or deep fake the whole thing and turn it into a Sin City looking thing. I think Gustin is out of luck here, because if they put him in for Miller, it reboots or otherwise negates the remaining cast of the show (dumping Iris for a new Iris etc.) - which, hey, maybe that’s what WB wants.

I find it refreshing that Kamala’s parents and brother are all real-feeling, good people. When’s the last Marvel hero with non-dysfunctional and/or living parents? Hey MCU! Do not kill or otherwise harm the Kahn family!!

She’s got a little Francis McDormand look to her.

Hey. I don’t disagree. Just making a graphic design observation. Personally, I can’t see another Repub getting elected president for at least a decade. Every single current frontrunner is so far to the right in asshole-land that not one of them would be able to bring the rest of the country with them in a general

Chandelier covering Trump’s face in the above photo makes it look like everyone is looking up at the poster for John Carpenter’s The Thing... which scans.

It’s like they flipped the wacky vs scary ratio from the X-Files, which is great. It’s also like the X-Files myth-arc but with every other episode missing. Which again, is fine - we’re getting the best, most distilled scary bug-fuckery. I’m happy this show is coming out again. Seems like they’re moving at a pretty

That you would have to do in the style of whatever they’re watching on the vid-screens, holo-screens, or whatever they’re watching at the death-stick bars on Coruscant. Which would be interesting, because Star Wars seems to not really want to get into how their galactic mass-media works.

In the Playbill programme notes!

It would make sense if she was cloned with some bio or DNA trigger (blah blah science) to kill all the dinosaurs - just in case. Like Hammond created her to be the emergency kill-switch. She has to go sneeze on a dinosaur or something. I was kind of hoping this would be the case, because I could see some interesting

Yeah, this was good. Sooo close to an “A” grade. All the actors: perfect. Refreshingly real especially after Stranger Things’ (per usual) over-the-top California high school bullies. It feels nit-picky to say “Yeah, I like Kamala’s imagination run-wild comic style... but it looks like Disney got the same people that

Both exactly. You read my mind. In fact D+ should throw together an in-universe doc just like you describe. It would be cameo nuts, but simply put together a “real” documentary crew to visit these actors in character. It would be like a two-hour compilation of One-Shots. Do it cheap. The cheaper the better. Not too

Has a Carnival Row Season 2 been shot, or was it one-and-done?

Patiently awaiting MC Chris to rhyme a bunch of salty things with Babu Frik. Please, sir. Respectfully, please.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a little bit of Gen X Fox shitting on Millennial Fox. Or Millennial Fox shitting on Gen Z Fox, depending on where Seth falls on the continuum. He’s been there for 20+ years now - plenty of time (paychecks or not) to cop a “damn kids these days” attitude. Especially if said company is

I think what Seth found was a gaggle of ex-Star Trek show creatives and OGs who were jazzed to jump back into the genre. Remember Orville got going right around the same time as Discovery and it seemed like Paramount wasn’t yet milking the ST veterans while Orville was like: “Milk Away me hardies!”

Agree with the grade, but... Episode 2 around the 10 min mark: Alligator-man with a pink mohawk.

Shout out for “Taps.” He only had maybe 5 scenes but when he went nutso at the end, I remember seeing it on VHS and thinking, “Whoa, that psycho kid stole the movie out from under Timothy Hutton.”

I know. It was totally my doofusness.