Bob Funch

It also seems like the GOP goes out and conscripts (usually businessmen) to run on their behalf. Dems sort of shrug and wait for people to volunteer.

His good ones, the last decade or more, flop and fly under the radar. Cinderella Man was also excellent.

More like:
Black hole… Curtains drawn.
In the basement… Middle of the night…
Blacked-out windows…

I hate to say it, but when Democrats engage in a massive get-out-the-vote campaign, they remind Republicans to go vote as well. Not just in the abstract, actual face to face and "I'll volunteer to drive you to the polls" type circumstances. It's not a knock against the Dems, they are, after all, being good civic

They'll go totally by the book as long as both parties are being polite. Disney's smart enough to know not to screw with anyone's dough. They're not WB.

My knee jerk reaction is to guess that whatever dude or dudette put the breaks on and took control of the direction of Rogue One, did the same thing here… only this time the directors walked. You could see their attitude being, "We improved Rogue One, we see the same problems here, and we have the same solution."

I hate it when symbolism gets in the way of a perfectly good stroll around the mall.

I worked as a teller for a couple years and when the big stuff comes through (infrequently) your supervisor has to come over and sign off on it and thank the customer personally. Something this big on the teller line would bring over the branch manager to verify, smile, thank the customer, and start offering other

What was the message of the kid's mall choo-choo passing behind Jimmy at that exact moment. Just a reminder of childhood? Just some mall culture nostalgia/weirdness? It's not some giant mystery, but just wondering why they placed it in there.

In Mike's voice: "Well… you're not wrong."

The first installment.

Plus if they had just stood there and let the guy croak, it would get back to the cartel.

Yeah, he'll leave it all to his alma mater probably.

… without getting a freeze headache.

I knew someone would say that. True, but he's been the one in the last 40 years.

Wheel barrows, roller skates, and chariots… bicycles, & smooth rolling sentient rocks.

I like the trajectory she's on, very slowly getting more familiar with Selina. She's like Richard and maybe Kent, so idiosyncratic that they stand out from all the screaming Mimi's.

You see cable shows more and more lately straining at the half hour and one hour format. Does anyone really believe Veep will get programmed into commercial syndication some day? Everyone's straining at the bit. Just blow the gates open already and let shows be whatever length they want to be.

In Cars 4 Lightning and Mater will be invited to Chevellefornia to visit Renault Disney Studios where the animation unit is working on a new movie called "People" where naked people run around the desert and prepare for athletic competitions, opine on the meaning of life, and somehow propagate their species without

Nora Durst