Bob Funch

It was quite the "thunk."

It's like two prog-rock albums dropping in the same month back in the 70's. There's bound to be similarities.

When all is said and done at least for tonight we can savour the phrase "Biometric Penis Scanner."

The clock is 5 minutes to midnight on that Aerosmith roller coaster.

In Memory of Elizabeth Reed.

Gander Mountain is going through similar "Restructuring."

I was thinking the same thing about JC Penney.

"his own personal Sensei…" fucking perfect.

If anyone remembers the WGN morning shows The Bozo the Clown Show & The Ray Rainer Show, give me a high five. Ray was a Chicago version of Captain Kangaroo and his show led into Bozo. These were the two shows you could watch before school, in fact Bozo got done right at 8am, so I usually missed the last 15 minutes

Rebel Wilson peaked about half way through the first Pitch Perfect.

A full on SV 2.0 could be interesting if Richard became an overnight billionaire. Cast some new roles. People might hate it at first, but if the writing stays top notch, who knows.

I remember running around the front yard with my younger sisters enraptured with the thought of finally going to see Star Wars. It had been out for a week or two and I was literally jumping around yelling "Hooray! We're going to Star Wars!"
The five of us piled into the station wagon and went to the theater. When we

It's a corrupted team sports mentality. Equating the accumulation of cash with winning and losing vs gaining the necessities of life like shelter, fairness, and food. You don't just play against the other team for fun, you have to burn their mascot to the ground and dance on their ashes.

It can be six things!

Also, let's qualify that Charlie Hunnam isn't working so well in the Warner Brothers style of blockbuster. Lost City of Z was great.

This looked too much like Wrath and Clash of the Titans. Once bitten, twice shy, third time… Stay the hell home, I guess.

She gets friendlier when he pays her father's oligarch on time.

Or else he's like, "Thank Christ their both gone. Juanita… Pascal, I've always considered you my real parents. Now let's go to the kitchen and I'LL make tamales for the both of YOU. I want you to try my new recipe​."

This reminded me mostly of the Aurora theater shooting. Just young people going out to have a fun time and getting killed like shooting fish in a barrel. What a dog shit thing to do. This fits somewhere on the Tree of Death between what happened to the Boko Haram girls and Sandy Hook.

They're just up for a round of golf. Their memberships cleared.