Bob Funch

I still give them 50/50 odds that they cave within 4 months after air time and broadcast the show on CBS regular just to earn back some $.

"I lick my balls mostly for maintenance and, yes, hygiene. But if the day has been stressful, I'll give them an extra couple dozen licks, you know, for me."

I think it was more like "Yeah, we'll lower the budget and do less special effects… wink wink."

I was kind of hoping for a cameo from Wong the Librarian to reclaim the Darkhold.

You're right, it was "6 Months Later!"

I'd give it a B+. Maybe they traded in some character depth for cheap thrills, but I love me some cheap thrills! Drill to the eyeball, baby!

My Breaking Bad is getting foggy, does Gale work for Gus prior to Walter? Yes? So we're going to get Gale and his fabulous coffee machine by the end of the season maybe?

"WB: Hey look at that, we backed into some cash."

"Sony: We get a do-over, don't we?"

Sony is the most bumbling studio out there and that's saying something compared to Universal, Paramount, and WB.

And suppose what she says when the cameras shut off over at FOX News? She's a perfect match for Donald Trump; read the room and say whatever it is they want to hear.

Preach, Schopey!

One of SNL's best skits ever.

Jesus, has this all been a set up for Godzilla: Monster Island?

The books will end with the wholesale slaughter of characters based on thinly veiled versions of HBO executives.

I loved her (Laurie) attacking her publisher last season.

First noticed him in Extreme Prejudice. That movie kicked ass. Powers could rock a cowboy fancy vest and pocket watch. He was so fucking evil in Deadwood, the only reason I could see having a sequel movie would be to wrap up the fate of his character. For me that was the only plot thread really left hanging. …

Probably true. I did say "hopefully."

It premiered 8 months later than planned. More importantly I should have sited the collapse of Vinyl.

He parallels his sister in being a skeptic/closet believer/active believer. Both had their set beliefs and then were challenged.