Bob Funch

But who are these kids today? Who are they dating? I suggest a spin off show. Are they attractive? Get 'em some plastic surgery. Get E! on the phone.

Carter wants to be a show that could have been written back in 1949 and on that it succeeded. Above that its comic tone landed right where they wanted it to. They could easily tie up the final plot threads in Shield. I hope they do. Well done show.

It was kind of awkwardly staged with Sousa in that desk chair. It also felt like "last day of shooting, let's get this in one take!"

Hedwig as Warhol is great. The Alice Cooper revenge plot ran a little long - would he really toy with the guy for that long? The actor doing Cooper was spot on. I don't mind the cameos and name dropping so far. It's the world they're in and if it's twice the "historical" figures that Boardwalk had then so be it.

My first reaction is that this was an A ep. This show has been hitting high marks lately. Penny couldn't find anything nice to say about flight? I hope he can win back his "Sultry But Damaged." She seems like the only thing that makes him enjoy anything.

Actually that was fairly suspensful - BP could have gone to either of 3 pictures. Whelp! On to DVR of Venture Brothers, Rick and Morty, and Vinyl.

RZA should have given him the award.

Son of Saul played off by Wagner. Wagner is saluting in his grave.

Oscarsowhite going with Wagner isn't helping.

I hope they don't prolong the mystery between Ahsoka and Vader. If they get in the same room together - the same hanger even, they're gonna smell it on each other.

Say what you want about Seth MacFarlane, "Flight" with sock puppets was hilarious.

There's kind of a corner the show has painted itself into right from the get-go. As the company rises and falls, so will Richie's reliance on coke or harder stuff, and so will his wife likewise be tempted to follow him or leave. After the initial reaction bakes into the production, the show runners will

Add a touch of "24 Hour Party People" to the brew and we'll get there.

I'm not denigrating the artists. Looking at the list of musical acts with contributing songs in The Martian, my gut tells me that 90% of them do not own the rights to their songs. Bowie and ABBA being the exceptions.

The MCU apparently is about to beat up on more black guys when Civil War comes out. I would have argued against the trend last year but now, yeah, it's a thing.

All true except for the disco. I get it. It had to be an ironic musical genre to keep Mark company for a couple of years. And I get it, the rights to those disco songs are dirt cheap. But then disco added to two or three science montages … does nothing but the opposite in helping the science disciplines move

Reyes: Dana, Agent Dogget and I had an affair as well. I too became pregnant. And I too had to give up my child, my daughter… my precious little Ladybird. We gave her up to be raised by the Vampire/Werewolf people.

In case Chris Carter really is reading these: Chris! Dude! Last week's episode was really good. Texas always deserves getting ripped on. I rewatched it and the placebo pill/power of suggestion sub theme worked really well.
The "My Struggle's" though, I think the overall plot concept is too big for just two (soon

Man Seeking Woman also seems like they're on a Kids in the Hall reunion kick. The show is hitting its stride.

She could be a white legless racist crack head. Sort of still hitting the trajectory of the character. Shrug.